So if any of the folks here on SG were on my MICE PACE friends list, you may need to re-request me if I haven't done the same to you already. Some tool-shed deleted my entire friends list, AND ALL of my pictures!! I had like 400+ on there, and some weren't backed up. That's like stealing someone's personal photo albums and burning them for...
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well thank you very much for the love on my set. smile my next one will be longer!!
I love this band. That's all.
So, I've recently fallen head over heels in love with music once again. I go through these dry spells and lose interest almost completely in pleasuring my ears. I forgot how much music can cheer me up, make me smile, dance, or simply just MOVE. Emotionally, and physically being stimulated by anything on a positive level is undeniable.

I used to be VERY into films...
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kiss kiss kiss miao!!
Toledo fucking sucks. Just thought I'd say it aloud to a fellow Toledoan.....if that's even a word.
Sometimes.....guess it depends on your musical preferences. Mine edge toward more metal and I can't go to a decent metal show anymore without getting kicked or chopped by the Scene Pit Ninjas.
I'm stoked more people are accepting my friend requests. The ball is rolling, and I'm not stopping it, well mostly because it's a metaphoric ball and doesn't physicality exist, so stopping it would not be humanly possible. Either way. Wooo!!!

I'm sleepy... G'Night dooders.
Hoookaay. I just saw "Pineapple Express" tonight, and was entertained for the most part. The plot was ridiculous, there were MANY loose ends that weren't tied up, and it was very predictable at some parts.
But for what it was meant to be, IT TOTALLY WORKED. I literally laughed out loud about eleventeen dozen times.

I can sum it up by simply saying, watch this...
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So, what's going on with me? WHO CARES. Nobody ever contacts me on here, mostly because after my old account was deleted due to canceling a bank account, I never properly maintained this here new one. I'll try to keep socializing on this wonderous website, but I may need a boost... Or a swift THWACK in the shin from a Boones Farm bottle half full....
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