@np33di it's very nice to meet you!  Thanks for the follow and it's good to meet someone who's been a member since the mid 00's!  I had a first account that was lost and this was my second account reactivated last year so I'm glad to see someone else come back after an absence too!  At any rate, welcome back!!

@np33di ahh I hear that man!  Yeah, living in the states did make that easier back in the old days before many wonderful ladies starting coming to the site from around the globe!  Don't get me wrong, there's always been wonderful ladies from outside the US but there was a bigger amount of US ladies at the beginning of SG's long and amazing history!  But man, I always wanted to visit Portugal but I never got over to Portugal!  It was a shame as I've always wanted to go there so maybe one day in the future I will!  It's a very pretty country from all of the photos I've seen!!  I had been to Spain, primarily Madrid but I never made it into Portugal!
Yes, it is a wonderful country :) and i forgot to mention: i did met a member of sg here in Portugal,  but it was a male member on vacations hahaha