I was thinking of "things that suck..." and started thinking about oral sex. When I was a kid....like 14-17 I gave blowjobs the way I give compliments and praise--easily, sincerely and with enjoyment.

I pride myself on my skill as a cunning linguist too...

I have no idea how many blow jobs I've given in my 33 years of life. Some people had a goodnight...
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Great photosets on plus size btw. hawt! love
Don't get me wrong, I love head. but nobodys ever been able to make me cum by mouth alone.
None of you know me well enough yet to really understand the depth of wrongness of this, but I've just been sacked from my job. Unbelievable. My husband is at his folks for christmas holidays and I can't reach him--all my "real life" friends are off as well, so like an emotional dweeb I'm telling you all about it. They waited until Christmas to do...
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Fuckin bastards. I got canned from a job for absolutely no reason before, but it wasn't around christmas time so i can't really say i know the extent of how it feels. I'm sorry it happened to you at such a bad time frown
Thank you. I'm starting to feel less numb and more angry/happy to be rid of them. Anyone that would fire someone at Christmas time sucks. And I already knew they sucked.

They really suck. I'd worked there for 2 years--50 hour+ weeks on salary with no overtime. I'm changing the subject with a new journal entry though, cause this shit depresses the fuck outta me right now.

I finally got through to my husbands cell phone and he's so stunned and angry that I am feeling the anger too now instead of just stunned shock and numbness.

I'm likening the experience to a bad break up now with an abusive boyfriend. Initially I was stunned and hurt, then tried to please them and reconcile things, saying things like "whatever I'm doing that you hate, I can change it...." and things like that.... Now I'm feeling liberated--but depressed and anxiety ridden about the future.

I'm emminently employable, but god I hate being out of work.

I can draw unemployment though, so that's good. I can pay my bills through February 1st, but after that it's giving plasma and yard sale time unless I find a job in early February.

God god almighty do they suck.
The distance from the inside of your elbow to your wrist is the size of your foot from its heel to the end of your big toe.

Gotta love da Vinci--he's a man who clearly had way too much time on his hands.
correct choice! you win! Floyd and Futurama it is! I love that show. Bender, he is so funny with all his drinking and cigars. I even named my up and coming recording studio after his frat,"Robot House".

DaVinci, I just read a fictional book about him. "The DaVinci Code" KILLER book, AWFUL ending... typical of Dan Brown... I guess that all DaVinci's measurements of the human body had something to do with PHI/the fibonicci sequence? I read that it is an equasion that can be found in most living objects on earth....

well, I just woke up, time for me to go read 20 pages of my songwriters guide, cuz I am trying to become a good songwriter.(instead of a bad one biggrin)
da Vinci had enough time on his hands to figure out such things and invent cool stuff.
I just bought a "bikini groomer" and having shaved off any offending stray hairs that might have been hanging around after my brazillian wax job I found myself grooming the nape of my neck below my bobbed hair line. my armpits, random hairy moles....you name it. I am now tempted to shave off my eyebrows.

What do you think? Good idea? Bad Idea? Let's have...
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I've always wondered why the shaved eyebrow look did not go the way of the dodo.
You know, you're really pretty. You mentioned yourself looking "scary" at ages 31, 32, and 33, but I think you're very beautiful. I love your profile picture, as well; you look a little like Julianne Moore.

This is from a barely 21-year old guy, so I don't know how much weight that carries.

And keep your eyebrows. Don't change anything. smile

So the holidays are upon us, holly jolly and all that crap. Riddle me this though, when do you quit believing in Santa Claus? I mean really believing--giving up all hope that he might be out there and accepting the fact that it was your mum and dad all along...
Santa Claus isn't real! Say it ain't so! What next, the easter bunny, maybe Jesus, just when do we stop decontructing my moral universe?! Will we get to 80 years of age and arrive at the nursing home, and they say say, God, o yea, that was just something we cooked up to keep the kids in line! lol
My parents pretty much crushed the santa for me way early on... they'd take me to the toy store ask me what I wanted, bought some of it, went home, wrapped it, and gave it to me about a week later... kinda loses the magic non?
Happy Thanksgiving everybody.
Thanks for the compliment.

I don't have much trouble from the middle point of my stomach, I tend to sit up without moving my legs so I basically do sit ups all the time, but I do have problems with the lower abs, which are super flabby.

I recently got a letter from my undergraduate uni asking for donations, so I sent them 20 bucks.

I hope they don't cave into political pressure and switch from evaluation format to grades.
I went to The Evergreen State College in beautiful (if you like rain 360 days a year and smelling like soggy clothes) Olympia Washington.

I have a friend who attended Santa Cruz, he's a Banana Slug and I'm a Geoduck.
Any John Cusack fans out there? What is your favorite John Cusack film?

I'd say that Gross Pointe Blank is the best "John Cusack Movie," because he wrote, produced and starred in it, and Martin Blank is one of his most memorable and engaging characters. The movie has all the hallmarks of a classic, good characters, snappy dialogue, quotable lines, several bumps per minute, unforgettable...
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Hi Nowhere-

Yeah, gotta admit, John's the man. Have you heard anything on his attachment to a Bill Hicks biopic? He's been lobbying for it for a while, I hear. And he's the only one around to do it, methinks.
You know, what I like about High Fidelity is that, more than any other movie with him, that guy is exactly who Lloyd Dobler would've grown up to be, if he'd lost his way somwhere in adulthood.
Saw Echo and the Bunnymen last night at the Fillmore and what a fantastic set they did. It's amazing to me just how good Mac's voice still is after 25 years of touring and smoking and how incredibly cool Will Seargant still is at 40 something. They didn't play Villier's Terrace, but played just about everything else I love by them. Rescue, Silver, Seven Seas,...
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not surprising(by my member name), but echo is my fave of all time...

saw them this tour as well... mac is still uber cool... the epitome of cool... i do miss les though...and of course pete.
I've actually seen echo about 40 times (including ian solo shows)...and they have never seemed to lose any of their cool, their passion, energy, or great sound.

An underappreciated gem.

glad to find another fan!
ha! i was there too! small world wonder if we saw each other without knowing it....it was a fantastic show, and 25 years is amazing especially with all the craziness the band has been through. ian walking out, finding new a new lead singer, the death of drummer pete defreitas... disolving completely, and then finally getting back together...

loved your pictures you have really amazing eyes...
I was going to put something here, but I'm too tired...
Hey, I saw you around the boards so I thought I'd come by to see if you had updated this thing yet. Guess not. Cute new picture, though.
Thanks. I will update at some point. It's harder for me to write "journal" entries than to post in the theads.