Not to be racist or sexist, but honestly white middle aged men shouldn't be in charge of making motivational or educational posters in corporate America involving other genders or races. They tend to get at least some aspect of it wrong in just the right way that causes most everyone to ignore the overall message.

For example... this all was going well until they point...
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I don't have a pet but think small animals are cute. I've heard from multiple sources pet/owner share a bond and will often pick up one another's traits and habits. If I find a woman who's cat loves to cuddle, looks adorable sleeping, likes my cooking and ....

I'll probably end up marrying that woman.πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

(Funny gif, had to share it)

Stripper cat.  I dig it.  lol 😻😹

I enjoy the taste of coffee but am not the usally the biggest fans of hot beverages especially on a warm day. I've decided on drinking soda. Do you like coffee on a warm day?

Do, find a hot beverage helps me cool off.
I don’t really drink coffee

Interesting place sometimes. A sandwiches cost 6.66...

And apparently the COO of the 3% conference feels women and millennials are the same and both need empowerment and help thrive in the "modern workplace" and will be here to speak with us...

seems really messed up.. though the demographics overlap there is alot of women I work with who are not millennials and alot of millennials
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Walking home during the light and again at night, I noticed a Bush with flowers. It stood out as it was growing in a treeline with no direct sun light. It seemed to glow during the day or the night.

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I'm at work feeling sick from the latest bug going around... but at least I look fabulous in this #blurybathroomselfie

Hope everyone else is having or had a great friday!

(Shirt is Tofu the master of disguise as he can be seafood, chicken, crustacean, beef or pork.)

Mine was pretty good, hope you have a good weekend and feel better
Love this shirt!

We had a late winter this year it didn't start until February and didn't fully end till start it March. Myself and others have shared the beauty of spring or just less colder weather so I figured I'd mix it by showing winter pics...

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Work so much didn't have time to buy food during the week now home on a Sunday trying to figure out lunch...

I have some seasonings, brown sugar, molasses, margarine and beer...

I can make caramel or have beer...

Lunch time (9% abv beer)

πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚ I also decided I should order pizza too


It's a beautiful day, now it's time to go to work and be hidden from it for the next 8 to 10 hours. 🀣

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ahah it seems like there are some good and bad points like everything in life 🀣🀣 take advantage of that free.coffee lol at my work there's not even free water I mean COMMON' ahahahah
@juliju free caffeine is a blessing and a curse... in a 8 hour period I had 14 shots of espresso, I was fine but at 2am I was wondering why I couldn't sleep... counting can sometimes be your enemy... but I regret nothing of that day 🀣

Here it rained last night, the ground has mostly dried and its sunny but overcast now. The trees and grass are still wet causing a faint pine sent to hang in the air along with the remaining smell of ozone and petrichor that hasn't yet burned off from the rain.

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I don't know if I am more envious of kids or parents now at days.. first off kids... I don't remember cute stuff like this growing up. Canned "Dragon Whispers", "Unicorn Kisses" and "Mermaid Songs" and this cute unicorn pillow

But of course parents can now buy fully functional kid sized cleaning supplies for their kids and make a game out of them cleaning the
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