Only 3 works to finish and I'm off for school until the end of august!!!
Yesterday, my classmates and I received a sad new; a girl in my animation class just killed herself. She was only 18. I cannot say how I feel right now, but I cant deal with it, she wasnt a good friend of mine only a girl I used to see every day since last august that I dont know a damn thing, only her name...
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I got some new hair, there much platinum than the first time I tried to bleached them. I'm still in rush for the end of winter session in cegep, so I hope I'll have anything more interesting to say than ''FUCK I'M STUCK UNDER A BUNCH OF ANIMATION PAPER, WHOUAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!'' or something like that when I'll be in vacation.
Only 3 weeks 'til summer vacations, and also 'til a shooting that will be eventually for the SG fans kiss
Does it mean you'll shoot what could become a sg set ? smile

... et merci d'avoir accept mon improbable requte d'outre Atlantique !

[Edited on May 02, 2006 6:54PM]
For about a year, I was thinking about joining the Suicide Girls...actually, I'll probably try it out and send them my picture; we should try everything once in our life, no? smile
You'll be great, I'm positive about it.
This week is the week of all weeks, there is fucking 3 shows in the same week!!!! There is Subhumans, monday april 17th, Ladytron on wednesday the 19th, and Horrorpops the next day, april 20th. So, yesterday I went to the show of Subhumans at Les Foufounes lectriques. They're not really my type of band and music but they were great!
Yesterday, I ate sushis for my birthday. They were so delicious!
Since last sunday, I've been so tired, actually I went out at Le Big Cheeze for my birthday and I couldn't rest for a day long. I'm tired of school, there's too much work to do and not enough time. Also, my last vacations were last july and because of that, I think my head is gonna blow off...that's why I decided to stay home...
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As you can see my hair are not quite platinum blonde, but it's in process(actually my hair were black and I had 2 inches of my brown root, so it turned platinum blonde on my root and a somekind of orange on the black hair...) This week it's gonna be platinum blonde!!! smile
You look nice.

Photography wise, it is very photogenic, might I add.
Can you imagine someone who tells you that you don't have any talent at all, that he don't understand why you passed you're last course that allowed you to be in this one, and also that you're not good at all in what you excel the most? Actually, that's what happened to me...one of my teacher said those stupid and hurting things about one of...
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thank you smile
Oooh nice hair ooo aaa
I'm gonna be a blondie bitch today!!! I'll try to get as close as I can to platinum blonde(Yeah, for now my hair are brownish black or something, well I think it's ugly, and I can't take it anymore!).