I think from the previous month of posting for the fourth member to the band, I have learned to translate what I write in posts into what people actually see:

"early to mid-twenties" means "33-41"

"female" means "male"

"rhythm guitar ability" means "I played guitar for a few months in high school"

"accomplished keys/synth player" means "I have never played the keys but I'm sure...
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Strange things have happened with the music. So I'm playing around with a progression from one of my developing songs. And a new song begins to come out. It's all stream of consciousness, just a simple turnaround over and over. And then words start coming. Literally singing the song as I am writing it. This has never happened to me before. It's usually a...
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Just wrote this on myspace. I had to repost it.

Paris Hilton's new CD

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I take time in my blogs to write material that is creative, humorous, enlightening, inspirational, thought-provoking, and intelligent. I prefer to write material that does not delve into the realm of random rants and complaints on life (as is the case all too often with online journals)...
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I came to a startling conclusion today when I read through my past blogs - my writing has turned to crap......well, maybe that was a bit exxagerrated. But nevertheless, my writing has gone down recently. Going through my old myspace blogs and personal journals, I saw a direct correlation between my involvement with music and the whole band situation and the downfall of my freestyle...
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cocoa puffs would have turned the situation super messy.. super quick..
Things I think of at 5 AM:

I always start my days with a healthy breakfast and vitamins, and end my days with scotch and cigarettes.....what's up with that.

Ramen noodles can be turned into exactly 457 different meals, 458 if you absent-minedly throw it into the boiling water with the wrapper still on.

Orange juice is the nectar of the gods

Glenmorangie 18yr. scotch...
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My head is spinning as my body drains.........

That sounds dramatic enough for the headline. I don't know what's up with me - over the last couple weeks I've had to struggle to get up the energy to do anything, yet at the same time I can't fall asleep until I'm absolutely falling down exhausted. Even simple tasks seem like a huge effort, I feel...
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happy birthday!
welcome kiss
I GOT MY BABY BACK!!!!!!!! She's legal, fixed, and cleaned. I will never take the T again.
awesome, now you can be more personal driver right?
I hate the Massachusetts RMV. I think at this point they are actually making up new forms just to prevent me from getting my car registered.
Fucking drummers. Is there anyone in this town that can drum AND will actually make it to a rehearsal? My patience is wearing thin.
Sorry dude, I only ever had one lesson.
im starting to notice this trend.. so ill have to say no theres not.

I can come beat on a trash can if need be.
Piercings are back finally. And this time I've earned them - they hurt like hell because of how they had to be done. but they look awesome. And Owen at Chameleon absolutely rocks as a piercer.
I must agree they do look very nice..... miao!!
kelly at chameleon is my tattoo artist. he kicks ass!