yet more utter bollocks guaranteed to ruin your day. now off to bed, to miss the sunshine. have a lovely thursday!


Hello grapple fans! here is another pile of utter nonsense for you. See if you can guess exactly how my mind works. I guarantee that you will be wrong...


I have just posted a random selection of old shite for you to look at, and then to say: "He's lost the cocking plot". Now going to bed. Have a great Tuesday.


Hello, all you well adjusted party people. I am sure that if you have happened across any of the stuff that I have written across the site, you will have noticed that I am fond of using the word 'Cunt'. I know, that even now, there are some of you out there, wincing inwardly at it's appearance here. I understand that, in America, it is...
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For those of you out there who spend ages calculating the calorific value of every mouthful they eat, then well done, you are obviously aiming for some kind of dietary target, and for that, you must be applauded. But I have got to that stage in life where there just isn't time. it's definitely the 'I'm too old for this shit' syndrome. I mean, I...
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My cat, Dave, is washing. As he does so, he seems to grumble to himself, like an old man in a supermarket. Another thing he does that amuses me, is 'Treading'. All cats seem to do this, but only with their forepaws. Dave does this, but one of his back legs goes as well, as if he is trying to kick-start a motorcycle. He gets...
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It has just stopped raining here. It rained non-stop, and torrentially, for 27 hours. Now, that's just a spit, compared to some places in the world, but here, it can be a problem - there are parts of south-west England that are still drying out after the floods at Christmas. However, this is May, soon to be June, and when what passes for summer here...
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Just found out that Hans Rudi Giger, the Swiss artist, best known for his conceptual art for the film 'Alien', has died. He was well known in avant garde circles for his artwork, that he developed into what he called 'Biomechanoid' art. Dark, disturbing, terrifying, erotic and arousing, often all at the same time. In about 1978, Ridley Scott, amongst others, engaged him to design...
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I just found, in a book, a tatty bit of paper, upon which was written a bit of doggerel, that I wrote for my niece when she was about four. She had asked me, as children do, questions like:"What is the sky?" "Why doesn't it fall down?" "Why can't my blood be green?". The usual stuff. I could never just say to her:"I'm shaving with...
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I have recently had to stop watching a quiz show on TV, [University Challenge, BBC 2, UK] simply because it was making me angry. Get a life, I hear you say, but, to be quite honest, the contestants, who are all University students, and therefore should know a bit more than most, actually knew sod all about most things, and I started shouting at the...
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