I have just watched the first episode of the new season of 'Doctor Who', which now stars Peter Capaldi. It was excellent, and simply from this one episode, I can say confidently, that Capaldi is quite superb in the role. There were, to my joy, lots of little bits of dialogue and business from previous Doctors. I knew that it would be okay. Not sure...
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I have just dried out from cycling home in the rain. I am now going to go to bed. See you later.


Hello, punters! Another collection of old bollocks to ruin your evenings, or breakfasts with.


Has anyone out there been enjoying 'Penny Dreadful'? I sat, last night, and watched the first five episodes, back to back. I had other things to do, but bollocks to that. I'm particularly pleased that the Frankenstein creature (played by the excellent Rory Kinnear), is very much the one I know, and prefer, from the original Shelley novel. I very much enjoyed the seance in...
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It's on Sky, I believe, but I got mine off a friend who spends an awful lot of time scouring the net for new stuff, and who (confidentially, 'cos it's not 100% kosher), downloads them on to a 1tb drive, and thence on to my laptop. Some kind soul might have put them on youtube. I had never heard of it, until he showed me. It stars Timothy Dalton, and Eva Green, and Billie Piper (doing an enviably good Belfast accent). It is set in Victorian London, is very gory, quite, no, extremely sweary, and there's a healthy amount of sex and debauchery in it. I think it is wonderful - in a way, it is nearer the comic book version of 'The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen', than the movie ever got. Oh, and every main character has a nasty secret of some kind. Try to find it if you can. Season one is only eight episodes, of which, I've seen five. The title refers to the early comic books, full of blood and thunder, ripping yarns, etc., which cost 1d., hence, 'Penny Dreadful'. šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜
Since writing this, I have seen the last three episodes - and they are as brilliant as I had hoped they would be. If Eva Green is not nominated for an award for best actress, then there is no justice. Her character, though fantastical in nature, is totally believable - she is that good in the role. All taking part are excellent, but Eva Green is revelatory.šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ˜Š

Dear Sir, we return the manuscript of the above title with suggestions for alterations and also that you take your picture researcher out somewhere, and administer a good shoeing. The suggestions are as follows, viz. 1] The cover date is three years ahead. Unless you are employing a clairvoyant, you should change it. [2] The frontispiece, labelled: 'The British Museum', is actually a picture of...
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Hello. Because I work at night, I sleep during the day. Today, I had a fantastic dream, which woke me up, with an idea for something funny, and witty, and rude and generally super to share with all you lovely people. I did all the usual post wake up b/s. that everyone does, keeping the idea as I showered and shaved, thinking how I was...
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Hmmmm. Yeah, thought about it. It's not going to bother me. Which makes it S.E.P. [somebody else's problem], and having conquered that nagging fear - I'm off to bed. Have a great Friday.


So I'll say goodnight, then. [clears throat noisily] Goodnight, then. [exit stage left, pursued by a nymphomaniac]. Applause; Curtain; End.