Well, that's it I suppose.... I am slipping into the prudish Mom role...*sigh* confused I NEVER thought I'd be there. My daughter turned ten last month and has been edging into puberty for the past six months...argh! No wonder my Mom wanted to give me to the gypsies until I was in my twenties!! She's driving me insane! mad She has curves in all the right places,...
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Not much new...as usual smile But in a way that is a good thing...
I have been sewing a quilt. It isn't my first one, but it has been at least 10 years since I last tried to make one. I have a good friend that is due with her first in one month, so I am making a memory quilt for her for the baby...
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Haha, You're right, Girl Scout Cookies should be a sin!
I'm actually really glad that we couldn't find a troop for my girls when we moved because I'm a HUGE fan of the cookies. I would actually consider them my Nemesis! haha.
We're going to join 24 Hour Fitness and see if that helps to jump start things for me a little bit. I'm brand new to it, but I really do have to make the changes in my diet and get my health better.
Enjoy your cookies and have a tag-a-long for me ! smile

It's getting warm here too. We've had all the windows open for awhile now. Just closing them at night. Of course, we NEVER have cold like yours though haha. Enjoy the good weather.
The weird stuff you find on YouTube.... I thought they were rather good smile

Have a happy hump day everyone.....
Hey gee! What do you know? I didn't fall off of the planet after all! Here I am, alive and still somewhat kicking. There have been lots of changes and all sorts of issues.... for my first post back, I'll try and keep stuff short and sweet smile
For all those who actually followed some of my drama... there have been some pretty major changes. First,...
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Haha......just let me find a box and he's yours. tongue

I have PCOS too......it sucks. frown

I was thinking about you the other day and wondered how things were going with your son. I'm glad to hear things are better for him and you of course.

Take care.

Same old, same old...no news yet, either good or bad, so all is as well as it can be smile Snow is on the ground and pretty thick....winter has definitely come to stay tongue

I had to share this....Guys may want to skip reading it, but girls....be prepared to laugh hard!! I know I did...if the letter ain't real, it should be!!

This is (ALLEGEDLY) an actual...
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Apparently no new news, since you haven't updated in months smile

THings are going better out here; I moved out of Alaska a few montsh ago and am in my second semester at grad school. I, apparently, have found the only land (North Dakota) equally flat to the Lower Kuskokwin Delta. Luckily, its less marshy biggrin

I'm drubnk.. YAY!!!!! biggrin
Hubby is home! (Happy Dance!) love love love love love love love love

My son got respite care this weekend, so we each have a weekend away from each other (Yeah!) and I also have it for next weekend so that I can actually go to the Zombie party and to the Halloween party at the Blue Loon (Great local bar). I haven't done "adult" stuff for Halloween in years! We will still...
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I think it's more fun for you creative types that can make a costume. I'm stuck buying mine (and as a plus size girl that's no easy task) I should really just take a sewing lesson (or 15)
I hope you have a great time at your Halloween goings on!
And I'm glad that hubby is home. YAY!
<3 K
Whew! Steam blown off and I feel tons better today....half a bottle of good wine will do that I guess smile I hate being whiny over stuff I cannot change, but sometimes you get to feeling overwhelmed and you just have to cave in and blow for a bit...did that, all done (for a while at least).
I only have one more long night of trying...
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When you've gotta blow, then I say blow biggrin

And one more night...tick...tock wink

Gonna sound odd. Sometimes if you haven't talked to people outside your world, I find I get out of the habit. A bit tounge tied. Fight it!

Smile...it confuses people smile biggrin kiss

Hey you HUGE HUGS! I miss you and the rest of the family much and wish I could be there to help. I will be back to AK in the middle of next week and sill be up next for Articon I think, who knows maybe sooner. Much love and tell Gary I missed his sorry ass this weekend.
well folks... It has been a hell of a summer and a rough fall. That is why I have been MIA for so long. A lot has happened and it has been stressful and has made me feel like quite the hermit in response.
First, on the health front, I have recently said "to hell with it" to all of the meds. I felt like...
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Great to hear from you sweetheart. Man you've had a roller coaster of a ride...*HUG*

After a long read, it sounds like there is a lot of stress and pressure on you. And not much support from those who aren't as friendly as they seemed. True friends will be there to support no matter how bad it gets, other will run and hide. *grr*

Sounds like if it wasn't for the stress you'd be making good progress. Pleased to hear than, and hope you can keep make steps forward...one at a time, no matter how small or hard.

Seems a shame that most members of society can't deal with conditions like your son's. You need friends who understand and support. Sounds like a couple are there for you. And hope your hubby hurries home biggrin

Through my hobby I knew a "lad" with Downs syndrome. I say "lad" as he was 21 when I first met him, but the condition left him looking younger and in a wheelchair. Despite serious physical limits, he had the most positive outlook and life and even when his illness made him suffer he couldn't wait to race again. We were convinced the hobby stopped his condition getting worse. I learned so much from knowing him, and cried like a baby when I found out he'd passed away when I returned from a holiday. Still makes me well up blackeyed

What I'm saying is...it's others loss...

Love the picture and caption. Wow snow already! Can't quite get my head around that, as it's crisp and bright in the middle of the British autumn today.


A zombie costume...I'll have a think about that! How about a zombie school mistress?

Take good care hun!

Peace, love and Hawaiian shirts kiss
I like the Hawaiian Zombie idea. Sounds super cute.
Now, on to all the other stuff, I'm so sorry you're dealing with all of this. I don't have any words of wisdom and any support I can offer you wouldn't really be worth much since I live so far away, but, I can tell you this, if that's the way your friends treat you, then you really shouldn't be doing ANYTHING for them.
I'm glad you've got your friend (the pregnant one) that you can lean on, but with her needing a place to lean too, it could become pretty precarious. But, it's better to have her than not. I honestly don't know what to say other than, if you need to chat, I'm here hon and I promise to just let you vent if that's what you need.
<3 K
Internet is back....summer is nuts.....I promise to update everyone as soon as I can stop to take a breath....
I cut my hair biggrin and it is MUCH shorter now....thinking about going even shorter.....
Talk to you all soon....
LOVESSSSSSSS kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
I'm returned sweetie. Time is short at the moment, but I'll reach you more soon.
love love love
Even if you have to beg, borrow or steal it...you sooo have to see the new BBC series "The Tudors"

First episode had jousing and plenty of costumes from the early years of Henry the 8th's reign.

Oh and like all British drama series lots and lots of sex scenes wink

Love, peace and armour kiss
AAAGH!!! No Internet! Are you nuts???
Anyway, I lost my home internet due to a freak thunderstorm that had a bolt of lighting hit right outside my house. I didn't lose anything else due to great GFI's and surge protectors, but the cable set up seems to be shot. I have a tech coming out on Friday, but until then I am soooooo out of...
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Oh man, I'm glad you're okay after all that. At least it's just the cable that got messed right? I know how much worse it could be. My parents house lost electricity for 3 days once due to a nearby lightning strike. Try getting up for school in the morning and getting ready as a sophmore. No curling irons! eeek So, the cable, I could deal with lol.
Glad you are ok. and it is only the internet that's gone (what am I saying!)

Chain that tech to your pc until he fixes your connection. He (or she...mmm) might like that wink

You have great friends biggrin

*hugs* & kiss
Happy 4th of July everyone....

I'll catch you all up on life a bit later. I have one last dress to finish by tomorrow, and then I can breathe a bit again smile

Have a great week!

PS: Just for a giggle.....

It doesn't hurt to take a hard look at yourself from time to time, and this should help get you started.

During a...
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actually, I passed, but I'll take the bed next to yours anyway. it could lead to some great conversations. biggrin
ummm....I have to take the padded room...away from all sharp objects at this point and time....
The camping trip was insane tongue The event itself was wonderful, and our side actually held their own (we went down for a SCA war event) and even though we didn't win, we had an awesome time smile However, the mosquitoes were HORRID! I know, I know...we live in Alaska and the mosquito is the state bird....but they are not normally this bad! My daughter came home...
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Hope the migrane has gone hun *hug*

And I thought the UK's seasons where draining and uplifting in equal measure. We've got ia easy compared to days with no "night" and nights with no days.

No wonder there is a frenzy of activity. I hear the same happens in Northern Europe this time of year, and am ashamed to say I haven't made it that far North yet blush

Hope it all works out for you and your family. Thinking of you...

sorry it's taking me so long to get back to you, super busy with work at the moment. The recent women problems seem to be ebbing away, in so much as I just don't care much anymore. Nice place to be, feeling very relaxed about everything. Work is going so well, moving on leaps and bounds and got to see some of my work on screen last week. Even got a screen credit, so I'm thrilled to pieces.
I hope things are going ok with your son, it must be exhausting for you.
Enjoy the sunshine, it's currently raining in london, and has been for the past month or so, the UK summer is really sucking this year, so I hope you're having a better time of the warm season.
Speak soon,
Dan x