From kspec


Hola! I just wanted to say that I truly appreciate your support on my recent set. Great comments! ^_^ Have a great Labor Day weekend!!! x o x o

Your welcome! I hope your set does well @konekosan

From shakea


"that booty is award winning" lol my favorite comment yet =) and thanks for going into detail about whatyou liked about my set i really appreciate it 

Haha I'm glad you liked it @shakea. You need a pair of shorts that say "award winning" on the back. And your welcome. It's a fantastic set. I hope it does well.
 thats actually a good idea, im going to make those shorts lol  and thanks hun :)

From kim_


thanks for the comment dear! it means a lot for me, im glad u like it ! take care

From kers


Hey! Yes, there are explanations of why sets are rejected. SG tries hard to publish great quality sets on the front page so the standards we have to meet are pretty high and, as I'm sure you've noticed, there is a lot of competition ;)  In my set "Playa Azul" the problem was that we didn't pay attention and didn't make enough photos, otherwise I'm sure it would have been accepted. Other sets might be rejected for different reasons. 


Daaaaaaaamn so you're like a porn star pretty much!!! What comics do you collect?

That's really awesome. I was just in Barnes and Noble thumbing through the DC Directory, it was pretty cool. I just don't have the money for comics right now.
@succulentgypsy I'm actually cutting back on the amount of books I read. What are your hobbies?