i want to go on an adventure or something.. things are getting extremely dull around here
I woke up at 3:30pm today. Today for me is Thursday ran into Friday. It's now around 8am. I gave up trying to make sense a while ago. It's much more fun just rambling and not caring about what someone who reads this thinks. So I don't care what you think--well, unless your my friend I care. Why must strangers be so strange? Here's a...
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you think iam cool? lol that's a first!.. I am going to santa barbara to just have some time off from LA i am sick of the same damn thing all the time... smile...well you live in paradise Santa Cruz...well take care and have a good weekend!
**I'll be your ARRR!!! wink
Hmm. Very reminisent of the "rapid-fire rant" style of poetry a friend of mine had in college. At readings he'd wander around the stage with a cigarette and bounce of topic to topic. It was always strange how everything was oddly linked together.

The origin of the statement? Have to go back to a party where I was discussing the taboo of incest with a friend of a friend. His contention was that it was disgusting and that if he'd slept with someone whom he later found out was his relative he'd probably freak out. I couldn't see a reason why. Now, I don't think I'd actively pursue a relationship with someone I was related to, but if I happened to be with someone and then found out later that they were a cousin, I think I could deal with it. I told him, "It's really no different than her telling me that she's the world champion midget tosser." To which my friend responded, "You know, that's kinda sexy. Tossing midgets."

Sometimes the neurons give off weird sparks.
Friends..how many of us have them? Friends...ones you can depend on? Friends..
A friend depended on is a friend lost.
religion is just a way to make people feel like they belong

anyways.. i just bought my car! my first car! i didn't get to drive it home though because i need to get my insurance--which i'm getting tommarrow--first; still, i'm so excited. happy days.
good call. i have always thought religion seemed to be more of a social club than any sort of actual method of spiritual enlightment.
good luck with the new car. wear your seatbelt!
they'll stone you when you're trying to be so good
they'll stone you just like they said they would
they'll stone you when you're trying to go home
they'll stone you when you're there all alone
but i would not feel so all alone
everybody must get stoned
why spend the short time you have left of your life taking insults seriously?
the bands at warped tour were mediocre but the fun had there was delightful =). got sunburnt badly. met cool people. i saw Ice T chillin' in the back of his car..good times

got my drivers license today! aren't you happy for me? i'm happy for me. getting my new volkswagen golf soon. happy, happy, happy
No one else is as responsible for your life more than yourself. You are the one who applies meaning to everything. Wheather life is meaningless or a miracle depends on how you want to look at it. You are who separates flowers from weeds. You are home or somewhere else. If you take the time to appreciate things rather than become numb to them you...
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i think thats why we have the need for vacation----