Good evening to you! As I write this I’m contemplating moving to a small island somewhere in the pacific away from the drudgery of modern living.

I plan to leave in 3 weeks in a small ship loaded with provisions and expect to arrive some time in March if I’ve not been sunk by some fucking sea monster or lured to my death by sirens....
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Best of luck! ☺️ Tell us about the experience!

Celebrate some guy failing to blow up the government who was caught and brutally executed by being hung drawn and quartered.

celebrate by burning his effigy on huge bonfires and setting off a shit ton of fireworks. It was in 1605 but fuck it a party’s a party, and at least Guy Fawkes lent his image to a very cool mask. 💣 💥 🔥👺💂♀️


What’s your dream Halloween costume? Sexy or scary or a combination of both.

Mine would be a combination, a plague doctors costume with the butt cut out, I think plague doctors are pretty sexy but my butt is horrifying.


@lil_sapphira great choice that would look amazing, a  princess version of Pride, Prejudice and Zombies. Love the set by the way, great premise and very beautiful.
Thank you :) it seems like it would be fun. I’ve always wanted to do it but never have :/

Halloween is almost upon us and that means one thing… teens brutally murdered by brooding monstrous psychopaths hell bent on revenge against nerd ostracising cliques….oh and eating so much candy my gums bleed.

This year I will be mostly eating refined sugar from a sack, that and Cadbury’s chocolate bars melted into a a wheelbarrow, reformed as one giant block and consumed in a single...
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Good morning to you! My last blog gave useful advice on staying alive in a forest/ woodland/garden with a few trees. Today I will talk about the fundamentals of exercise.

1. Warm up - this is very important, make sure you stretch properly. I do this by hanging from a fourth floor balcony for as long as possible, make sure you don’t plummet to your...
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Wow! Very interesting 😉

Good evening to you. As a survival expert I thought it my moral duty to share some of my potentially life saving techniques if you ever find yourself shitting it in a wood/forest/parkland with a few bushes.

1. Water - if in a group split up and wander from the main path, this is where you will find water. I did this and was found...
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After selling all of the previous band names i now have some new ones in stock, choose from the below and select one of my convenient payment plans:

Spatchcocked Vulva

Set upon by cyclists

Fick as Phuk

Anal Prolapse

Drugged by Pandas

Thuk Masheen

Dr Pleasure

Voluminous Pantaloons

Grapefruit Enema

Acid Haüs


Hair by Maurice

Rats Rats Rats

Hateful Jake

Gripping Dick

The Trouser...
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When I was younger, so much younger than today… wrote some barely known musicians in the 60’s. This is my poem about growing up, I didn’t need any Help!

Written for @rubymoon as the winner of my competition (sorry I took so long, I definitely didn’t just hurriedly write it in the last few minutes)


I wonder what life would be like in reverse?...
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Omg! I'm sorry but I've only seen it now. And I completely love it! You did a great work with the rhymes ❤️
@rubymoon thanks I’m glad you like it. I thought they were pretty good, I’m rhyming at a fourth grade level now. I hope you’re doing well.

Can you guess the lie from each of these series of 3 ‘facts’ about me?

1) I own almost 5 pairs of jeans

2) Whilst in space I became infected by an alien parasite that burst through my chest killing me instantly

3) I often walk to the shops

can you guess which one was the lie? next set:

1) whilst living in the Goondocks...
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@monkeytable Yayyy!! Hmmmm... about growing up!
@rubymoon it’s not something I intend to do but I can definitely write one about it. I will start tomorrow (whenever that is, I’m in Europe and you’re in Brazil so quite a time difference!)

I’m looking for a companion for the impending end of the world. They must:-

1) Be able to outrun a zombie horde

2) Able to make weapons from household items

3) Be willing to fight off marauding looters

4) Enjoy moonlit walks along secluded beaches

5) kill or be killed

6) Like cuddles in the kitchen to get things off the ground

7) Be strong...
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you forgot: be able to lo populate the world in case of loneliness
@hilo you’re absolutely right, I’m willing to give it a go if you are? For the sake of humankind of course, not because you’re hot as hell!