I swear I need a break from everything in my life before I go completely insane. There has been way too much going on for me to deal with. I just need to be able to disconnect myself like I used to. To have no feelings about anyone or anything would be a godsend right about now. I just don't know how much longer I...
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you are amazing...thank you for your comment on my set!!!! < 3<3
just gotta take the tough times in stride man, deal with them best you can. it isn't easy but you got friends who you can talk to or go out with to get your mind off things. you know where to find us man!
I want everyone to go check out Lex666's set in Member Review here, and show her some love. We can all see how HOTT and sexy she is, now let's help her go Pink!!!!
I actually lucked out today, and got some ink done biggrin I wasn't sure I was gonna be able to find a ride, but I did. It's been 2 years since I've felt the needle, and it was desperately needed as a stress reliever. Now I just have to find someone to take pictures of it. There is still more I want done, but I totally...
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YAY!! Happy to hear that you was able to go!! Now I want to see!
thats pretty bad ass man, glad it worked out for ya!
I keep wondering why I put myself out there only to be let down repeatedly. I feel like I put everything into something and I always end up left holding the bag in the end. It just doesn't seem worth it anymore. I'm starting to feel as if I'm not meant to be happy or have anything good in my life. In the end it...
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I'm so sorry...
here's a kiss from a random SG

hope that helps....
I'm sorry to hear things are so shitty for you..if you need to talk i am here!!! Only a few more days till you get tattooed!!!
Things have been busy and interesting here lately. Last week I got to enjoy a nice dinner with PunkNiteMike and KatieOkieDokie at the Outback Steakhouse. It seemed like forever since we'd all been out together. Then Saturday we all went out to enjoy a Rock & Wrestling show. The wrestling was just as fake as it is on the television, but still enjoyable. The first...
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thats soooooo awesome! Go check out my journal i FINALLY put up some of the videos we all took while we were at hell city and at mikes house! AND WOULD YOU TALK TO ME AGAIN GEEZ!!! I miss ya! i am hoping to make it up there this may! I hope to see you! Let me know how you are! Much love-ireland ps i am glad things are finally going your way you deserve it! love kiss miao!!
you dont need to keep it a secret
i already know its a portrait of pnmikes face on your ass tongue wink
It's official, I'm finally starting to get compensation coming in. I've been spreading the love a little bit, and can't wait until a time can be worked out for a few of us to go out for dinner. I also sort of have a job now too. I've agreed to work the door and merch table for a local band when they play shows that...
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How about Weds??
fuckin A
its about time stuff started goin ur way
*slow clap*
I spent most of my weekend sick in bed. I had a fever that lasted from Saturday night until lat night, as well as other cold/flu symptoms. I swear it's the temperature changes going on. After a bottle of Nyquil and part of a fifth, I'm starting to feel better. Yes, I follow my southern roots most of the time. A couple shots and warm...
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Oog, here's hoping you feel 100% soon. It seems the creeping crud is circling the country.

Thanks kindly for the warm welcome!
OMG!!! I just got one of the most amazing.. soft, warm blankets in the mail.. with the best dogs EVER on them!! Thank you so much!! I LOVE it!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH

Today has been quite busy. I went down to talk to my lawyer this morning, and picked up the check he had for me. By the time they took their fees and child support took theirs, I didn't get much of anything. I did get enough that I put some in the bank though, and will be able to access soon to get some new...
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Thanks. I know what i am getting for my first one too biggrin
I grew up watching Star Trek. I watched it as a child and i still watch it now and read the books and collect the.... collectibles lol. So i decided a while ago that i wanted to get a tattoo dedicated to Star Trek BUT i wanted it to be something that to a TREK geek would be instantly recognizable BUT to the average person would be NOTHING.
So i am getting The Holographic Doctor's Mobile Emitter from Star Trek Voyager biggrin

I know i want to get a Comic Book Tattoo also. But what i want honestly changes all the time lol. I again want something that goes by the same rules of being comic book but if you aren't into comics you probably wouldn't know it.

But of course still be COOL lol. I was thinking of getting a character for a while but i decided against that. ... still haven't settled on one thing and i won't get it TILL i for sure have decided on ONE thing.
Although i do have an awesome idea for either a half sleave ( the agreement with my mom is she wont KILL me as long as if i wear a short sleeve shirt it covers them up) or possibly a partial/full leg tattoo. I have several bands i would love to get tatts of.. but instead of getting them like RANDOMLY all over or done individually. I was thinking of getting one big tattoo of all the different like band logos, images, mascots or what ever i decide for each band. Have them all slightly attached and part of one big piece. I could get it done over years and years. Possibly getting different ones done by different artist ( like if i go visit a friend out of state i could have his/her artist do one piece. Which would be better than a stupid mug as a souvenir lol)
I keep thinking that it's been so long since I've been to see a movie that I'm ready to go see one soon. Issue I'm having though is that there are almost none I really want to see right now. In a way I'd like to see the new Friday the 13th movie coming out next week, but at the same time, I also know...
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i kinda want to see the new Friday the 13th too, but if i do going to without any expectations. feels like i haven't been to the movies in forever too!

winter limits what we can do, at least thats what it feels like!
I kinda wanna see it again too! Maybe mike, yourself and i can go to the movies like old times.. but without getting into free (boo who who)

And I'm with mike.. winter limits us.. at least me being stuck out here in the middle of no where!
Things just keep getting better it seems. I've been fighting to get some kind of money coming in from my injury for a few years now. Well, Thursday morning I will see at least a little bit. It also means that with a little luck, I will be able to get something I've been wanting for almost 2 years, some new ink!!!! I have ideas...
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thank u hun!!! im soo happy!!!!
YAY for new ink!!! I thought that getting more would take away the want for more..but it hasn't.. it's made it worse
I hate this cold weather and snow we've got around here. It aggravates every injury I've ever had and I'll be the first to tell you that there are quite a few. I'm still nervous and excited at the same time about everything going on with the radio station. What's even more exciting though is that in April Lex666 will have a set going up...
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i'm sooo sick of the snow and cold, and i heard we have more snow on the way this upcoming week. i'm just ready for winter to be over with already!

THANK YOU for your comment. i'm glad you understood it. in a way i almost deleted it cause i feel like i'm just bitching, but i'm glad you see what i see.

i'm hoping to come out there in march. biggrin
The happenings that I was keeping under wraps are now official, so they're a secret no more. The site and station I work for are about to get a major media push with the help of Interscope Records and several bands. We have members of Shinedown, Rev Theory, Seether signed up on out site. They are asking that we play their music, and are sending...
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I actually spent some time in AA...i still don't really drink that much...i'm headed to an al-anon meeting tonight...and am trying to sort through some things...I appreciate the genuine concern though..and i may take you up on that. I've known MANY an addict..and exhibit some of the behavior myself...I'm just scared.
I really appreciate it. I'm going to check and see if you have a messenger to add to my BL