It's been awhile since I took the time to post. Life's been busy. I think it's bullet point time:
- Kind of got a job, lost said job, and got another one. New one is awesome on paper. I start tomorrow.
- Got into many arguements with Andrey about our current situation. There's a change a comin', we're just not sure what the heck it's...
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- Kind of got a job, lost said job, and got another one. New one is awesome on paper. I start tomorrow.
- Got into many arguements with Andrey about our current situation. There's a change a comin', we're just not sure what the heck it's...
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woo i made someones blog. I love when that happens!!
Yeah! I have a car now! Yup! I managed to finally get my act together and get myself a ride. So, hopefully I'll be able to get around a lot better from here on out. Sweet!
Hey - I'm ready to go out anytime
Now i even have a car!! I'm available most Tuesdays, and Thursdays and some Fridays....

hehe i like that you called your butt "lush" thats hott 

Again with the delays! I'm horrible. But my life has been very very busy.
Firstly, I finally quit my stupid job. Honestly, it was killing me and they wanted more and more. At some point, I thought to myself, "hey, you know what would be cool? Trying to work it part-time and go to school full-time!" I put out some resumes and Stone Brewery (one...
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Firstly, I finally quit my stupid job. Honestly, it was killing me and they wanted more and more. At some point, I thought to myself, "hey, you know what would be cool? Trying to work it part-time and go to school full-time!" I put out some resumes and Stone Brewery (one...
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Again, real life gets in the way of online. I've been working on getting my ass back to school for the last few weeks. Actually, as I'm posting this, I really should be getting dressed and heading out to my math assessment test. Taking care of business n'at. In the meantime (and I mean until I get done with school in about six years), freakin'...
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I'm sure you'll kick ass on your test! All the tools you need are buried somewhere in your brain
Good Luck!

Good Luck!

Wow... I really let this poor blog slip. Due to real life happening at a non-stop pace, I've really let all forms of blogging slip to the wayside. Bad Carolee... bad. Then again, I'm not too sure it's that big a deal.
So, what's been keeping me busy? Well, work and a giant move. The move has also contributed to the lack of blogging since...
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So, what's been keeping me busy? Well, work and a giant move. The move has also contributed to the lack of blogging since...
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i want to see you nekid on the internet!!!! weeee!

Happy V-Day all! Hope you get some chocolates! The new background for the site is adorable! I want it!
Now off to get ready for work. Buuuu.
Now off to get ready for work. Buuuu.
happy vd to you too

my teknokitty has gone grey. this makes me sad 

Thank the gods I get paid tomorrow. Regular paycheck + bonus = win. Yes in-deed-y! Tomorrow night, I board a plane and head up to San Fran to spend time with my girl. Very exciting.
The boy and I have been looking about for apartments and such again. Honestly, it's really frustrating. I really hope we find some place soon. Otherwise I fear I might...
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The boy and I have been looking about for apartments and such again. Honestly, it's really frustrating. I really hope we find some place soon. Otherwise I fear I might...
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Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!!!

Hit up another Restaurant Week place yesterday with some other friends. Last night I felt great, which is odd. This morning though... blech! No good. Stomach's all grumbly and pissy. Hopefully it gets better as the day progresses and I feel normalish eventually.
I've decided to start work on a podcast in the near future. Once I get iLife '06 I'm hoping to get started...
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I've decided to start work on a podcast in the near future. Once I get iLife '06 I'm hoping to get started...
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Hit up Region last night for dinner with some friends. The food was actually sort of eh... which is weird for Region. Generally everything is freakin' amazing. C'est la vie...
I just realized that I have one week til I go to SF. To say I'm excited is an understatement. I really can't wait. It'll be awesome to see people again. But until then, I've...
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I just realized that I have one week til I go to SF. To say I'm excited is an understatement. I really can't wait. It'll be awesome to see people again. But until then, I've...
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15 minutes of Pilates this morning. It's "energy boost" rather than the real thing, so I wasn't expecting much. It was a really good workout though.
I'm starting to count down the days until I get to go up to SF. I need a vacation like whoa and I need to see my girl like double whoa. I miss her. I'm also hoping to do...
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I'm starting to count down the days until I get to go up to SF. I need a vacation like whoa and I need to see my girl like double whoa. I miss her. I'm also hoping to do...
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i love your scarf! nice glasses!
have a nice day at work
have a nice day at work
Less than 2 weeks until you're here! OMFG!!! Soooo excited.
Less than 2 weeks until you're here! OMFG!!! Soooo excited.

Mmm... new picture. I'm back bitches!
For some unknown reason, after an oddly cinematic nightmare, I couldn't fall back to sleep. I think my brain was stuck in a dream state. I decided after a good 45 minutes of trying to fall back to sleep that it was time to suck it up and get the hell outta bed. Mind you it was five AM....
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For some unknown reason, after an oddly cinematic nightmare, I couldn't fall back to sleep. I think my brain was stuck in a dream state. I decided after a good 45 minutes of trying to fall back to sleep that it was time to suck it up and get the hell outta bed. Mind you it was five AM....
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I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!