Well as a new person on the board I will have to open up about who I am and to answer that is by saying first I am a father and proud to be a damned good one or at least that in her eyes. She is only 5 years old and she gets constant encouraging and to hear me say Im proud of you...
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that moto rocks
Thank you! Its a blast to ride
Crayons, paper, pencils, scissors, and glue. If im gonna be in daddy mode we are doing arts and crafts drawing pictures and telling stories. Too damn cold to go out and are not about to be tv zombies. Gotta stimulate that creative little mind. And you know what, ill enjoy this simple time with her BUT I really do wanna go ride too soon. Damn...
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Jealous of your craft time!
Was a good time. Have a issue with glue all over a nice table now. The issue with daddy days is im not as seasoned as her mother. I jump in and she plans hence putting down a plastic table cloth. whoops!! Now its my craft time.....getting glue up with razor blade without ruining table and causing another nasty fight. DOH!
Wide awake with no idea of sleeping soon. The next 4 days I will be in dad mode with little one on spring break so this will be a fun time for us to make more memories. I dont have any of my dad and she will habe nothing but. Would be nicebif this damn cold weather would roll away. These 30 degree days are...
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And there is one right now ^

Cute confident woman. Cant beatnit gentleman
Here to enjoy the art being displayed and appreciation of the women willing to share it. A view of a really nice booty doesnt hurt!