by the way... although no-one probably reads this:

i should give my dues to this place which is a hotel in Amsterdam called Estherea, it's right in the middle of the city and within stumbling distance of anwhere you'd want to be! it's not a hostel by any strtch of the imagination but you might be lucky and find reasonable prices on www.holidaynights.co.uk like i...
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it looks lovely. lock and i are going to amsterdam next week, we're staying at th ebotel which i s next to central station. cant wait...i love amsterdam

well well... hello SG.

just finished work and feeling restless.

todays annoyances:
- unnecessary overtime
- new glasses sliding down face
- ipod battery dying halfway home.

todays happy things:
- new website to come home and trawl
- update on my tattoo design
- working lates this week so won't see annoying colleague!

so i'm still getting used to the layout but it seems...
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