Man, I hate being able to choose only 5 favs, because I just discovered Presley, and that means someone else had to go.
Won't it be a great day when people can finally appreciate the beauty of someone of the same sex without being prejudiced against? I see people as one race, no matter what sex or colour they may be. I think the world...
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ditto!! I love them all

Nuckinya love
you are gorgeous!! love
It's been a long time, I should'na left you, without a dope rhyme to step to...

Amazing, isn't it? What is, you ask? Well, it's amazing that now that I have no life and am sitting at home drinking coffee and watching 2 year old episodes of Maury Povitch (when I'm not at work), I spend less time on the computer than what I did...
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So, another Valentines Day passes and Erin is still lonely. Well, in a relationship sense that is. Not that I ever celebrated V. Day when in one anyhow, but seeing all couples at least pretending to be madly in love for one day of the year just rubs it in the face of all us singles. The fact that I attended an engagement party for...
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Hoffentlich hattest Du einen schnen Valentin's Tag. love

Well it's good to see you did in the end, now who the hell was it.
I had a great V.Tag with my Kate. seeing the two of us on Saturday would have made you sick, we were getting so romantic that it even made me feel queasy.

Nuckinya biggrin
Valentines Day should be called "Compulsory Affection Day" or "Hallmark" it's just a way to make money off saps who equate love with consumption, fuck that shit. We're human beings we should express ourselves to each other everyday of the year not only on corperately sanctioned days. As you can tell I got nothing for valentines day, I am a bitter, jaded man.

kiss HAPPY B-DAY LAN!!! kiss
The weather here is awesome at the moment. I love it when it's overcast. Sunny weather is so overrated...
Today was my day off. I started sorting out some of my visa stuff. Went and deposited some money in the bank and enquired about opening an account in the UK. Supposedly it's quite hard. You can't just walk in with 3 points...
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You left out BUCK 65, the best mc there is. If you don't know, now you know. You got good taste in music though. eeek
Ohhh i hope you get your ancestry visa. My brother has tried since my dad comesfrom Germany, but he doesn't know anyone there anymore so we can't get one... i'm really pissed!

Well i've never been overseas so i can't help you out with the customs thingy wink
I HATE COMPUTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just finished writing a long an utterly enthralling journal entry, when I accidentally clicked on a link to another page, and when I hit the back button, everything I'd written had been deleted. THAT IS SO FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why doesn't someone invent a program that stops that from happening? If you hit the back button you should go back to exactly...
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I gave blueink777this question just to get even:

"Ann, Barb, Cath and Deb went out to dinner. Cath sat opposite Ann. Deb sat at Anns right, opposite Barb. Barb and Deb ordered spaghetti. Cath ordered lasagna. Ann ordered like this: 'Unless the woman at the left of the woman opposite the woman who ordered lasagna is not having what the woman across from the woman at the right of the woman at my left is having, then Ill have what the woman across from the woman at the right of the woman opposite me ordered. Otherwise, Ill have a pizza.' If 'right' and 'left' are from the perspective of the diner, what did the waiter bring Ann?"

betcha this has him fucked Haha biggrin
hey..sorry to hear about your computer issues......anyway, to answer your question....my girlfriend plays in an all-girl band from Sydney called SKULKER.....she plays guitar and sings backing vocals....they're a fucking rad band! check out their site. hope you have a good holiday,....i know i did! smile
Today has been a good day.
I got a package from Allana, I had a haircut and I ate sushi. Nice.
ooo! sushi! I love sushi!

-Ash skull
Unfortunately the whole idea of eating raw fish turns my tummypuke in fact even the look of sushi makes me feel bilious.
I don't mind getting a good haircut though!
And I just love getting brown paper packages tide up with string; these are few of my favorite things, oops starting to sound like somthing out of 'Sound of Music' .
Tonight I learned how to knit. It is my new favourite.
Over drugs. Over people. Over the scene.
I would pack up and go tomorrow if I could...
Since I knew you were coming I knitted a sweater...
Oh wait, that's baked a cake... hmmm.. I'll work on that.

-Ash skull
Insufficient funds, and an 8 week wait on my Visa application.
I'm having a week off from the 26th, so hopefully that will give me the change of scenery I need until I can get all this stuff sorted and be on my way to bigger and better things! Vegas was actually my first getaway choice, but after a little consideration, I thought it made more sense to go someplace where I actually knew someone. One day soon, though...
Vegas, baby, Vegas.
Would a scarf suffice guys? tongue
Wow, over a week since I've updated. That's gotta be the longest yet. I've been busy organising stuff for my trip, and instead of coming home from work and sitting on the net for a couple of hours, I've been going for a run. I'm going to need to be fit for all that walking and cycling Lan and I are going to do through...
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poor you Italy ,France sounds lovely, and then you get to cruise on the vespas. Cant wait till I get to europe. have a great trip
oh my god, you're gorgeous. and you like hip hop. cool shit.
I'm so pumped! I have made the decision that I am going to go and join Allana in the UK by mid to late June. My airfare is already paid for as my mum and step-dad donated an international airfare to me as my 21st birthday gift.
No more partying for me. frown
Until I get to the UK! smile
My Grandma was born in Scotland, so...
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What is your dream job?
Apart from running my own version of a site like this and being filthy rich in the process, and/or being a rockstar (like your wish), I'm moving to a job in Sydney that's pretty darn cool. smile

Who would be your ideal date?
What, or who? What would depend on the person, and who? I can't think of a single person, but if you were in front of me, I'd take you out for an enjoyable evening. smile

If you were in a band, what would you call it?
I have a bunch of facetious bandnames, but I might actually use The Particle Zoo one of these days.

You fav. animal?
My cat Alexander that I am leaving behind in Melbourne when I move. frown

If you could invite 3 people for dinner, living or dead, who would they be?
David Bowie, Clive James and Camille Paglia.

Your fav 3 smells?
Coffee. smile The sea. smile The smell after a summer rainstorm.
Rad, that's exciting. I was in the UK two years ago but I found it way depressing. But I think that might have been cause I was in Glasgow. Half the people I know are over there now. Have an ace time!

Here's my answers:

What is your dream job? Running a recording studio with a nice big budget.
Who would be your ideal date? I've got no idea.
If you were in a band, what would you call it? I'm in one band called the Emergency, and I'm doing projects under the names Tentacles of Destruction and Lipstick... A Little Blood.
You fav. animal? Squids, unless robots are an animal.
If you could invite 3 people for dinner, living or dead, who would they be? Morrissey, Brian Eno, Frank Zappa
Your fav 3 smells? Coffee, solder, pecorino cheese.
Oh shit. I just wrote the biggest entry and accidently deleted it. How do I always manage to do something like that? confused
Today I woke up at 7am and went for a swim at the local pool. I did 12 laps! I was also planning to go for a run after work, but the stupid til wouldn't balance and I didn't get home until 6:30pm....
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I'm a big pack rat too. But throwing old things away usually makes me feel better. Minimalism, yay!
Getting up at 7am for a swim... that's dedication. I tried to make myself go swimming at least once a week one time... it lasted two weeks wink Exercise and me just don't really mix
Last night Beth and I went to watch the boys play footy. It was great, we snuck in Hungry Jacks (Burger King for those not in Oz) and smoked cigarettes for 3 hours while Luke and Mark ran around a massive grass field being all fit and healthy and...sweaty. Eew. Ha ha.
Had dinner at Dave's house tonight, followed by a hilarious session on the...
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*kisses your hand* May I have this dance, milady? smile

-Ash skull
yay Australia!!! i'm visiting sydney for 3 weeks....i'm leaving tomorrow!! i'm so excited....i love your country..i think i'm gonna' move there! surreal
Got my glasses today. I have clarity. Posted some pics.
well hello there!!!! rooowwwrrrr.....sexy specs....
or how bout:
those make you look so smart, hate when people say that though cuz then you feel like people thought you looked dumb before.
ooo aaa
Nice glasses. Great pics. smile

Hope you had a great Christmas/New Year's stuff.