Want to drive me completely mental? Really? Just stand too close to me in a queue. What is it with people? I have a really wide comfort zone of personal space with strangers (I think normal is about an arms length but mine is about twice that) but for some reason people like to stand waaaay closer than is polite, almost leaning on me, it...
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Honey you should carry a Taser around with you. That message would be loud and clear.

Either that or develop really bad body odour. That'll keep them away. wink
I'm the exact same way, people are hard pressed to take the hint of "back the fuck off." Just today I was at the grocery, and some east indian fellow was so close behind me, I could feel his breath on my neck. I finally had to turn to him and say, "Look, if I'm going to have to feel your breath on the back of my neck... you better have bought me dinner first."

He kinda took the hint... sorta. If you can figure out a sure fire way of making people stand away from you, be sure to let me know.

p.s. could be worse... was out with friends this last weekend and some completely odd girl came up to me from behind, and licked my elbow. What on earth is all that about?
I've recently been having a chuckle over Charlie Brooker's column in the Guardian... This bloke is funny, always grumpy and bitching about something, my kind of person


guardian unlimited
Gotta love Charlie. His Screenwipe show is top stuff. The best ranter in the business..........
i'm checking on your gti problem...see what i can find.
OK, for all you haters (all 3 of ya!) here's some proper Japanese cars, doing some proper stuff love love love
wow very cool video my sweety i like !!!!kisses have a great days ! kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss

Been working HARD the last couple of days on an article to pitch to the F-Word feminist website http://www.thefword.org.uk/ . Been writing about women in musical sub cultures, comparing Lady Sovereign to Poly Styrene et al in 70s punk. Interesting but actually quite hard work, kept opening cans of worms in the research... Hey ho, it's about finished now, just waiting for a couple...
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wow my dear ..is it very cool ...have a good work and post the link when your article is online i want read it ....have a great days ...like you my sweety love kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss