Tour is going amazingly well.
I'm looking so foward to going back home and spending some time with my girl then getting back out on the road with Skindred. This has been a great tour for networking and hopefully i'll get some more jobs after these tours. I love seeing the country this way.
i miss you, hooker

I'll be on the road doing merch for Nonpoint and Skindred! If you happen to be in any of the towns we stop in, come out to the show and say hi!

Don't miss Nonpoint with special guests Skindred and Strata:

8/2/04 - Hartford, CT The Meadows Music Theater (WCCC Radio Show )
8/21/04 - Manchester , NH @ Raxx
8/22/04 Orono, ME @ Ushuaia...
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will there be a time where i get to post something happy and positive god damnit?? when's my turn?

i'm glad SOMEONE is happy...

i totally agree. and when i do get to post something happy, the next day something fucking ruins it. i feel ya bro.
in the meantime here is a kiss i hope you feel better!

yay for happy times
You have an idealistic nature when it comes to romance, Jason. Sometimes you set a partner up on a pedestal, imagining her to be perfect, when she is just as flawed as you are! Try not to be disappointed today if some of your romantic notions are clouded by more practical concerns. Relationships sometimes take work, and you could be going through a time when...
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I'm a Leo to the bone, its frightening.
and if at first you don't succeed, try try again...and i have...and now i will try my best. i am so determined and so wanting this that i'm going to let out EVERYTHING.

wish me luck
Hello Jason!!! You are a cutie. I dig AWK, so I love your profile pic. kiss
I can't help this. I keep having dreams about it all week and i can't do anything about it. I miss her so much and i can tell even more how much i do in my dreams. First it was a bad dream that was just magnifying my situation with her and then i woke up and realized that it wasn't AS bad as my...
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her razor sharp mouth
slit me with her words
pressure build in my aching skull
clenched fists
everythings ruined
i broke it all
like a mirror showing my reflection
that i hate so fucking much
it's the reflections fault
YOU'RE to blame
stop your crying
get over this NOW
stop looking at HER
stop thinking of HER
your making yourself crazy
your making yourself...
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that's all i needed to hear.

it's time to move on.

i need a fresh start.
Do you understand..ANdrew W.K. is god!!!..you are the Coolest Person ever!!
What am i thinking? Do i really want to go back? The toughts are there every single day (single in more ways than one) Every waking moment there isn't a time i dont' think about her. Why am i putting myself thru this torture? This is rediculous, i feel like i can't even move on. This is the first time i've ever had this happen...i...
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I'm back from the Einsturzende Neubauten tour. Man that was the longest 28 days ever. I hope i get the opportunity to tour again, it was definatly an experience i wouldn't mind going thru again. Now i'm off to unpack the travel gear and adjust to being home again....ahhh...home cooked food and my own bed and shower....so nice...
What kind of music do you play? Got a link I can check out?
dood we gotta hang out yo:/