Saw your post on ass appreciation re:psoriasis. I assume you have tried everything under the sun. A friend had great success with an elimination diet followed by bringing a lot of bone broth soup into his diet. I hope you have enough vitamin D too. Maybe pure Shea butter for lesions (it is great for most skin stuff but has to be the 100% Shea).  If you are sick of unsolicited advice you can feel free to ignore this or tell me to F off. Either way your ass is dreamy...

if you are near pdx I could dig up the contact of the naturopath who guided my friend through the elimination diet.  If the Humira works I wouldn't ditch that but maybe some lifestyle changes as an adjunct. I have the mildest case ever but the buttcrack plaques are a drag….
Yeah, I definitely think a change in diet would help, but I'm suuuuper picky and constantly traveling. And YES, they totally are:( that, and back of the ear or bottom of earlobes:(