I was messing around on FB last week and i got a message from a girl i haven't seen in years ( she was married at the time to a guy i was stationed with). well since then we have been talking alot and really hit it off. She'll be coming up to see me once i get settled back into omaha, and i'm really...
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I'm getting ready to move back to Omaha at the end of October. I was really enjoying my school and practice, but financially couldn't handle it anymore. It sucks, but that is life sometimes. Figure I'll find a good job back home and just get my stuff in order to go back in when i can in November of next year
so, i guess my account wasn't up. well everything has been going good though. still practicing my ass off, and seeing great results at school. I would like to put pics up, but i don't know how my school would like that on here, haha
so, my account should be up in a few days or so, but i will be back once i have control of the finances
haven't done a blog in a while, so i figured i'd throw something up. School is going good right now. My roommate has a coworker who has some contacts and numbers for some race teams. so, he wants me to come and talk to the guy and get them. that would be great to be able to get some on track time, and the money...
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I haven't wrote here in a while. Mainly due to not having a reliable internet connection. So, school is going great! Our coach is considering moving us up to 4 cars on pit road at once. He is really excited for two main reasons. We are the first class he is confident enough in to be running multiple cars on pit road this early in...
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Excited for you!
So, I had a interesting Monday.I found out in the morning that a friend from highschool died of an overdose. Then,Last night i find out that one of my best friends i was stationed with in Washington D.C. died in a house fire. The man makes thru Iraq without a scratch andthen dies like that. It is such Bullshit! So, I'm sitting here arguing with...
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I'm sorry. I too have just heard about the death of a friend. It's very hard, a helpless feeling. My thoughts are with you. x
so sorry to hear that. Hugs. It can be really tough to come to grips with the death of someone you care about, especially when they are young.
Well, it has been a long time since my last update. I graduated the first phase of school and was giving the position of Jackman. we started phase two on Tues and it is great! The best part is coaches are already sniffing around for new talent on teams, so we will see what happens. I know right now I'm not ready, but with a...
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Sweet! Congrats!
started throwing tires on the cars this week. i was having a little trouble at first with my form, but once we had someone sit in like the changer it was no proble. must be the whole pressure of not wanting to hit my changer in the head with a 75lb tire
finally setled in mooresville. had a couple days of school so far and i have been looking for a job. all in all a nice little town and i can't wait for school to get a little more intense. right now it is mostly classroom stuff. one of my roomies and i are gonna go scour the area with applications tomorrow before i have class....
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Well it is a new year, finally. well tomorrow i get on the plane bound for north carolina. just packing up and looking forward to my new start. tonight though we are all getting together for a good time out. we are going out to mic's. i love that place. amarillo introduces me to it. just a good time all around
cant wait!

still wish you werent going but ...... i'm so happy for you!!!!
soo, today was a pretty good day. i had to check the bank account to make sure i had enough for the trip and got a pleasant surprise that the army had also split my separation pay into two payments as well. so, i have plenty of money for the trip and currently getting the last few things in order. oh, and then my friends...
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mmmm shepherds pie!
Have a great trip