went to the movies yesterday. a good friend of mine amanda and, also an ex of mine. we saw 1408, now let me say this.....if you like steven king the what are you waiting for? this movie is the best just like rose red and dead zone and many more. i was like what the fuck all the time its a trip. now for one...
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Um... well... maybe she needs a 10 to be turned on. ?
Happy COMPLEANNO! kiss
I'm tired and im going to shut down. it fucking imposable to be happy, ive tried so mant different ways. none have worked. the one i've realy loved is moving away (my ex), and my new gf is becoming a flop. she would at first show me all this compashion and now she ignors me, and doesnt call or even tell me that she loves...
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i need some advice girls, so if you have something ot say plz tell me. ok well yesterday i at 7:45am i called amy and she didnt call be back all day. i was talking to her friend on yahoo trying to figure out what happend and if she's ok, her friend told me that she had gotten a tex saying she camping and for...
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Well, I'm commenting on this way after the fact, so what ended up happening?
well i sry for my last blog, i was in having one of thoes days again. and well everthing wasnt working
two more weeks, yahoo. i can wait any longer to see my baby, where going to go to disnayland (sry if i spelled it wrong) but ya. it going to be our first time to see each other. hope she doesnt run away from me lol love
AWWWW thats soo sweet!!
i'm the happyest man in the world. ive met a girl named amy, she the best! she makes me smile and all that good stuff. were going to meet on may 17 for the fist time.. i CANT WAIT love biggrin
God Dam i hate when i act like that. i might as well get a new tatto and get the pain out that way. Please if i act like that again someone come find me and slap the shit out of me.
i just talked to my ex, and now i know the real truth as to why she broke up with me. she told me it was becuse i didnt tell her that i love her enough and make her feel loved. sure i told her i love her, but she told me that when we mad love, say at home , i never would hold...
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