Modest Mouse

Edit the Sad Parts

Sometimes all I really want to feel is love
Sometimes I'm angry that I feel so angry
Sometimes my feelings get in the way
Of what I really feel I needed to say
If you stand in a circle
Then you'll all have a back to bite
Back logged voices on the 7 wonders
We're all so funny but...
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i think we need to start making sacrifices to the gods, maybe that will increase our chances of living the good life. i'll go round up some goats, i'm pretty sure i saw some outside the thai place by my house... wait a sec... ewww...
hey hey lady. hope things are looking up on your end. my life is going through the continous circle of minor, brief happiness-tragedy-minr, brief happiness-tragedy ... etc etc. so it goes and so it goes.
Today I get to go shopping for a wedding outfit...sounds like fun huh? not really, cause I know I'm not going to find anything "appropriate" that I actually like.
Good News= I am on the Tegan and Sara guest list for their show at Lee's Palace on the 30th!! WOO HOO! I just have to do is put up some posters and rock and roll...
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...i dont want to think back to the one thing that i know i should have done....
Yay for Tegan & Sara!
Sorry, just had to say that.
I'm so glad they are coming back to Vancouver before they go into the studio... I mean, I want them to record an album and all... but ya know, I'm greedy & want to see them live a million times too. biggrin
The party last night was a hit! We made 100 bucks which is also nice...being paid to party has always been a silly little dream of mine.
I got my butt bitten and that was cool...lol
There was the cutest girl...cute little liza lobe glasses and that classic nerdy habit of sticking her nose out when she talked. I wanted to taste her skin but...
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hmmm...I dunno...it seems to be harder for a guy to get action than a girl...
My statements are independent of each other and don't contradict. My second statement was a generalization. All I'm saying is that my ability is much greater than yours tongue
I am sooo excited for our party on Saturday! 3 Kegs and lots of friends all stuffed into my studio...what could be better??? If all the suicide girls were there you say? Well yes, that would be ideal.

All Suicide girls in the GTA are invited eeek
I know you wanna come wink

Well, I tried...
I wish Tegan would come...I'd be a happy girl then...Tegan, wanna...
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Thanx babekiss
oh jeez i was a nasty bitch last night. leaving these volitile messages. oh my. for some reason i just woke up. fucking 8 in the morning? i thought booze was upposed to keep you asleep? yeah, the gladstone is in toronto. what the hell are you doing in toronto? toronto is a yucky city, i think. i always find myself bitching about it, but i think that's what you do here. you live here and talk about how it's just not good enough. pretty pathetic.