Almost turky day, oh joy. I cant hardly wait to spend my money just to go see people that dont give a shit about me.
Whats the point of living if you have nothing to live for?skull
for a few months now i have been trying to upload a short film that I did. This movie was for a fishguard competition in Aberdeen S.D. There were 20 entries and 10 categories. we ended up winning best film and best use of character, and received 3 runner ups. I am going to keep trying to upload this film; however, if you would like...
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there comes a time when you start to ask yourself, WTF?surreal
Lately I have been asking myself that daily haha.
just sitting in the dark.skull
Turn a light on.... u can see better... hahah jk sorry im a smart ass!!! smile
biggrin so am I.
holy shit whats that? robot
its october my favorit time of the year. I cant fucking wait for the parties to start. ill post the pics when i get back in november of my halloween madness, so that you all can see what you were missing. skull
some hotshot relaters here in town really love my photos and are thinking of having me be there official photographer. Wish me luck.eeek
so yeah, tonight was sort of interesting, after i left the bar some jack ass in a dark colored shirt pulled a knife on me. need less to say come tomorrow hes going to find it very difficult to speak. that Adams apple is a bitch isn't it? hehehe ARRR!!!
well im almost moved into my new apt. So far I enjoy living here more so then the other joint. However; I haven't lifted in over a month and my body...needless to say is not very happy with me. Time to get back to the gym and start training again.
Yay for a new apartment