Friday it rained and we had hail. So, cold front in So Cal.. Crazy. So, spent a lot of time here on SG, since I couldn't do the work I was supposed to do today (outside stuff and too muddy and wet).

Well, things could be worse.
Well the chat app is working better today, making new friends.

Oh, I started a fan page on Google for anyone interested.

Suicide Girls Fans on G+

So tried out the chat tonight, but the internet connection sucked and the feed into or out of the chat must be messed up because it just kept dropping and having to restart it all the time sucked.

But I enjoyed chatting with some new people, so that was cool.

thank you so much for your support on my new set ! I like your comment =) Lot of kiss from france :3
so cuuute =3 blush
Still getting to know the lay of the land here. So many pictures to look at.

Trying to find something more original to say when I really love a set, besides "that was great, awesome, beautiful, you look amazing, etc."

Well, there are so many different kinds of beautiful looks, I keep finding new faces I just love.
Well, just getting used to everything here. Got some profile pictures up and some questions answered so I can play at the playground like one of the guys.

So far I've really enjoyed looking at sets and have really enjoyed some of the alternative looks on the women here, different hair colors, different tats, different piercings, and so forth.

Yeah, it's a fun web site....
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Hello, my name is Michael and after checking out the pics on Reddit, I had to come here and investigate, so here I am.