well its time to venture home for a few days to hang with the fam. lil worried though, never drove the bronco that far, i would drive the v-dub but i am still waiting on parts for the cooling system so no dice there. so wish me luck. cant call it an adventure with out a bit of risk i guess. well im out.
so the weather here is mega shitty but at least no rain cause i pulled the top off my bronco. i hope it harms up today cause i bought like 300 dollars yesterday so i could nuts today. this weather bullshit better get better, i mean really bad weather on my vaction is just not cool, im mean realy who does that. aslp so the...
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thank you love!
serios???He does not tattooing well?
fuck, ok so today im in auto nerd mode(sorry if im crazy) an i have been workin on my bronco. so my coolant temp gage is not tracking so i looked up what i thought to be the temp sending probe, went and got the part and put it in.....no dice still nothin after drivin around for half an hour, so then i was like...
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okaay you fix the bronco up all nice then send it my way smile
well today was inresting to say the lest. i had to navy mental to determine if i am an acloholic, never lied so much in my life. so all is good on that front, so i have to take a short class. im ok with that, they could realy fuck my job other wise. i dont want to burn my chance for hawii, cause im...
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good luck with that
well i should be in beed but yet again i cant sleep, time seems slow as of late. only a few months left till i head to hawii, i hope i like, if so i dont think i will come back. i know i will never come back, that is for sure theres nothing here for me.
on another note it seems i have no...
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first of all I'm super jealous cause I'm obsessed with broncos... ehh childhood memories and second

ahhaha your display pic makes me giggle
today i feel burnt. like as if i dont wok right, but hey fuck that shit icant be beat im jus feelin a bit sick i guess. its just somtimes i feel like this better life i have coming will not get here in time like i wont make it, or in the normal odds it wont turn out how i see it but what...
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Thank you for the comment on my set "Scissors" smile
well people from the sea i return. with new eyes to for the world, i return to walk this earth. in july i leave state side to hawii. with this new hq i will travel the western world leaving my country for first time ( i think im in love) . using my skills to travel for free, i will capture everything in my camera(time...
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well people im gonna be gone for a while, so this is the last one till feb. im gonna miss my sg for a while and all the beauty that goes with it. if any f you want to text me thats cool but i wont be near a computer till feb as far as i can tell so the number is 321 591 9353....
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well its sunday, an for once i have time to sit back an get things done. just thinkin about how i will miss my fam an friends when i leave next year, i think its time though. i need to leave this place behind, she still haunts my dreams an thoughts, i want to be free from here spell. i want to fall in to...
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Leaving is good... even when it's just to be happy to come bacl...
so as it seems i have an all night the 31st, thats like 4 years in a row now that i have missed. so in other news im ether going to hawi or san dog next year butether way good by west coast.