From zui


Oh boy.. this young man saw me mess my undies. Hoe embarrassing that was indeed.

I saw him just a few days ago at a park....

::dream sequence starts::

Yes it was a beautiful summer afternoon the birds were singing, flowers blooming, bee's mating. Ahh yes..It was magical really. I was fishing at a pond near by wearing my straw hat, yellow rubber boots, and hot pink mini skirt. Lookin' fucking hot I must say! When FERMION walked by me and asked to sit and fish with me. I said that was fine because I needed a little help anyways. So he sits and gives me a few pointers, we flirt a little and goof around..Ya know. Then I finally get something on my line! I was so excited but didn't really know what to do so I give the fishing pole to him so he can pull in my sweet ass fish I had caught. He was tugging on it for a few moments saying " It's fine I almost have it" I suppose he was trying to put me at ease, not wanting me to think he didn't know what he was doing. ::shrug::
So I stand back and it seemed to me that the fish was winning this battle because he was getting pulled closer and closer to the water's edge. Then he must have lost his balance because he was pulled suddenly into the pond! I screamed and ran closer to the water... but FERMION was pulled under. I looked around the water's surface hoping to see some motion or air bubbles. But no I saw nothing.
I leaned over the water waiting...for several moments when suddenly he pops back up screaming in pain!!! shocked

He climbs out of that pond a different man, oh yes VERY DIFFERENT.

It turns out that was no fish on the other end of that line.. no no kids. Not a fish at all... ::creepy music kicks in:: That my friends was a giant snapping turtle. eeek yes.. EKK indeed
As FERMION was under the water's surface for all those long agonizing moments the turtle had chewed through his male genital a!!

But all is well after our day at the park we went to a local hospital and he had a 3 hour surgery to re attach his penis. I believe he told me it functions just as it is suppose to now. ::nods:: Your a survivor kid don't you ever forget it!