Someone who I thought was very special took what was left of our friendship and threw it under the bus to make herself look better. She was a lot of things but I never thought she'd betray me like that. People never fail to surprise me. The sad thing is, at one time we were so very close.
You know, this is a terrible town to try and find a decent job. Maybe it's time for a change of scenery?
Broken hearts suck! frown
yeah they do. hope you are over it!
Well, I left my new job after about two months. I'll be starting a new one soon. I wonder how long that will last before I decide to split? Thanksgiving is soon. (Just in case you forgot)
THX for commenting on my set!

There is a ton of shit going on these days. The new job and my love life kind of suck these days.
Nothing going on. I start a new job soon. I quit smoking too.
So I had someone right in front of my face for years and never really noticed her. Well, I finally noticed and now I can't seem to forget about her. Funny how it comes at a time when she's trying to get her life in order and trying to see if there is actually something there is next to impossible now. Well, if anything, I...
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It sucks being back. I'm pissed off al the time. People are stupid. I think I might just go right back.