Didn't think so...

End of line....
yup, I read it - just today - haven't been on this site much lately (am rebuilding my computer's RAID arrays)skull
Nice to know someone's reading. Thanks.
Haven't really done much with myself the past couple days. Just enjoying my off time before school starts again.

Watched my blu-ray copy of Silent Hill last night and reminded myself of how much I like that movie. Just found out about the sequel coming out in October so I need a refresher. There's just something fun about watching a horror movie in the dark...
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I'm feeling much better today, but still not 100%. Should be there by the weekend. I don't stay sick for very long, not more than a couple days usually. It's a power I have.

My Writing teacher let me re-submit my paper. So, as of that, I am now officially done with Summer term. What am I going to do with myself for the next...
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Feeling a bit under the weather today. Really started last night but it's gotten worse.

Summer Term is officially done! Had my math final this morning, only missed one question. I forgot to put the negative sign next to the 8, otherwise I was right. Oh well, when I pass the class with 99% the little things like that tend to bother me.

Final paper...
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So I wake up today and what do I find? Most of the cable runs I put up, which use a sticky form of spongy tape to attach themselves to a surface, have fallen off the walls. All that time and effort....

Guess it's a trip to the hardware store to buy screws. Power drill is gonna get a workout today.

End of line....
If you were 45 with an 18 year old daughter at home looking at 18 year old girls fucking... I don't know, seems wrong to me. But that is why I asked the question - to be enlightened smile
Well I did something like I said I should.

A friend came over and helped me re-wire all of my speakers in my living room so I wouldn't have wires running across the ceiling anymore looking all tacky. Bought some cable runs a couple weeks ago and made good use of them. Speakers have all been re-routed through the runs along the walls around the...
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Guess I have a lot to say today...

I love when I get random thoughts in my head while I'm getting ready for bed. Heh, that rhymed....

Anyway I was thinking about the most memorable character "voices" that have hit the big screen. Voices that are just so cool that you can recognize them anywhere. A few examples:

Darth Vader - Duh?
Yoda - Know...
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Yes, which is why it was canceled. frown
I went to help an English 101 classmate with her paper tonight, she seems to be having trouble "grasping" the concept of writing so she and the teacher both asked me to help. Not a problem really. She's a friend of a friend and an overall cool chick.

So I get there and she gives me a tour of her place. Storm rolls in and...
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So I've started the outline for my 3rd and final paper for this term. Have it mostly complete after about 20 minutes. This might be easier than I thought. My teacher did tell me the other day that I was a "good writer". I wonder what she's been smoking.

Soooooooo tired of this heat. Have never been a fan of sweating.

I also have my...
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