i finished reading no country for old men the other day. im still thinking about the ending, along with the entire book, as i have done with every mccarthy book ive read. i would be hard pressed to find a better writer than cormac mccarthy right now, or in the last long while. i am interested to see what they did with the movie. if...
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Have you seen the movie yet?
I have not, because I live on a small island in FL with no theaters near by..

anyhow, I really dug the Bill Murray stuff, and look forward to getting to know you.
double postie
here is a song i wrote a while ago and recently added guitar to...


I feel the walls closing in around me

Wont you let me out?

Your the one with the key

You've got my heart but wont let it beat

Im praying now for someone to save me

Take me from you

Somebody set me free

Take my breath, dont let me...
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I finally finished Hells Angels a little while ago. A good read as most of the HST books Ive read. This one was a little slow going for me, but I will blame work for that. I found an interview with Sonny Barger on SG and it was funny to read what he thought of Thompson, but i believe his opinion had to have changed...
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I have too many books and not enough time! I keep buying books that I think I would like or by tried and true authors, but have been too busy to read them in an timely manner. Be it work, music, or trying to stay in shape, my reading time has suffered dearly. I suppose SG could be partially blamed but I could never stay...
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Brand New is playing Salt Lake City on Tuesday. I live 2 and a half to 3 hours away from slc, which is usually no big deal. its close enough that if i have to drive back that same night i can. and its also far enough away from pocatello to have a nice weekend away.
Ive got my ticket on WillCall and everything WAS...
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I just wanted to stop by and thank you for being a member of the Concerts Group. The Summer Concert Season is almost upon us, so I'd love to have you throw a review into the group if you happen to catch any great (or not-so-great) shows this year. And if you know of anyone who might like the group... send 'em our way. The more the merrier!! Have a great summer! ♥
so this is my first journal entry after being on suicide girls for a few months. i suppose i will just tell a little about myself. my name is michael/mike (whatever), im 21 years old, 22 in a few weeks. i live in pocatello, idaho, im origionally from riverside, california then moved down to san diego. ive been in idaho for a few years now....
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