Up early on sat achieved nothin so far eh heh hehhh...
Studying sustainability started this week seems pretty interesting.
Might search for a new job??
Beach tomoz 37degrees oh yeah!!!
Have a great weekend. If you have any troubles with sustainability, let me know, I might be able to help smile
No hopefully just through away junk.
As some things progress others go backwards, why is this???
Sometimes I just don't know what ta do hey.

Music is the savior

One of my favourite artists of the last couple years, just keeps gettin better...

Alix Perez Myspace
thanks dude!

hope you find your answer smile
Not liking tha humidity of the last week or so GRRRRRRR!!!!
Back to work and im dying after a looooong break.
Backyard cricket on Australia day was killer!!!
The saving begins...
Rather the humidity than the crappy cold weaher we've been having frown
NZ madness oh yeh!!!!! so much crazy stuff ta do here tis awesome!!
Search for waves begins tomoz.
Hope all are well in SG land
Glad you're enjoying NZ smile
Thanks for the FR.
very radd! waves! find sum n enjoii 4 me! ive never been but could only imagine! thx 4 the FR sweets! xoxo
Fark I'm a bit out of sorts today. Got a bit messy last night n now paying for it frown
Goin to NZ in a week Yahoo!!!!
Gots ta get my shit sorted when I get back, saving and deciding will be in order.
Merry Christmas
Well I'm up early and super excited. For today I am finally taking my car to get fixed love
I'll probably try and lag doing that for a while so I don't have to go to work, this would be good cause its going to be 37!!!!!!!!! today eeek
Not alot else to report just chillin saving money as per usual
Apple and cinnamon. If you ain't got any icecream or custard, what the hell are ya supposed to do?

Fairly quiet weekend just gone, went for a drink with a chick that was way outta my league

hey it was worth a shot.

Pay week!!!!!!! oh yeh smile
As they say in Only Fools and Horses..."he who dares" biggrin did you arrange to go for another drink?
Big ish weekend ahead may go out tonight, tomorrow however is where the "big" shows itself. Hittin a little bar with a mate for some serious tunes which will probably have us exiting when one needs sunglasses. Probs go smash a few at the driving range.
Movember taking hold.
The never ending quest continues...
Hope your weekend was fun wink
So I'm bout ta watch Fight Club to get myself amped up for a good day. Off to Low Fi festival this arvo lookin forwars to hearin Nas. Commix however is who I'm really goin ta see, hope he drops some seriously deep tunes, heaven awaits...
First Rule -
You do not talk about Fight Club.

Second Rule -
You DO NOT talk about Fight Club.

love it.
Mr Whippy fills my ears with lust for that sweet sweet goodness.
Watched some horse racing.
Playstation all morning.
Garden for a minute.
Perhaps a swim...
sounds like a good day, especially the Mr Whippy and swim
Somehow managed to decide to remove things from my keyring on the same day that I had cut my nails grrrr!!! Could this get any more frustrating mad

Oh well smile
lol blackeyed I've never been able to get keyrings open thanks to my little habit of biting my nails. I've gotten pretty good at using pens to pry those suckers open though tongue
So ahhhh I never really have alot to say. Been finishin work on time all week (so good), goin ta buy a fish eye lens pretty soon, I luv the images that can be captured with em. Hooray!!!!
thanks smile