"Do you know what Freud said about dreams of flying? It means you're really dreaming about having sex."

"Indeed? Tell me, then, what does it mean when you dream about having sex?"

~Rose Walker and Dream


"And then she woke up." I suppose there are worse endings.

~Rose Walker


"The million lords of hell stand arrayed about you. Tell us, why should we let you leave? You have no power here, for what power have dreams in Hell?"

"You say that I have no power? Perhaps you speak truly. But — you say that dreams have no power? Ask yourselves, all of you, what power would Hell have if those imprisoned here could not...
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"To absent friends, lost loves, old gods and the seasons of mists. And may each and everyone of us always give the devil his due." ~Hob Gadling

Doing a little bit better today. Still a bit mopey, but it's getting better. I do so hate living inside my head though.
Wow...feeling kinda silly. All because of a silly manga I was reading. Ever feel like you needed someone right then and there to talk to about everything or nothing at all or even to just be there sitting in silence in the same room with you? Yeah, that's where I am right now. I haven't felt quite this alone in a while. Awesome.
fuzzy panda cuddles <3
Thanks for the tip, Siv.

Hodor <3 Thank you. It helped. smile
True sadness has befallen me. There has been a death in the family. My PS3...the Queen Emeraldas has crashed. I am told there is no hope. Apparently it overheated to the point of corruption and there is no one in the state of Colorado that can fix it. Sad days to come.
Hey everyone. Hope everyone one is well. Me? My head hurts a little right now. I just had this ridiculous facebook argument with a "friend." The original post started with that fact that Cruella DeVille did not die in the animated 101 Dalmatians and a question of whether or not there were any other Disney movies where the villain didn't die. I responded and this...
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It occurs to me that I don't really blog enough...or at all for that matter. I don't really do a whole lot of updates on facebook either. So I thought I'd say hi and try to start blogging for all those who care, which I'm not sure there's many of you.
Thank you! smile More progress every day, step by step.