just finished rolling my boulder up the hill...

thank god.

edit: by which i mean 'completing my Sextus Empiricus paper'...

man - that's such a cool name. Sextus....
I think his friends called him Sex, actually. (FALSE)


Thanks for reading my blog.
Nice meeting you tonight. smile
So, I'm going to be on the Ch. 2 news in Baltimore. I was randomly interviewed for their segment about 'youth voting.'

I'm really quite excited to see myself...
You get to be on TV? Excellent! biggrin
I just now noticed your comment, because it was on an older post!
1. That seems like a cool job. I always thought it would be more fulfilling to be a college professor because the students actually want to be there and learn (for the most part)
2. That's not a bad compliment.
3. I'd agree with that somewhat, but I just love history and bygone eras.
4. That sounds intriguing. I can't really drink soda, it's just too sickly sweet, but it seems like this wouldn't be as bad.
5. Excellent. I'm a huge Halloween freak, so even though it's not for a while, I'm always asking people.
Saving your question? Should I be frightened? shocked
No, not in the least. : )
It's been a little while since I've updated my, now de-facto, travel blog; this may or may not have impacted approximately zero people. Oh well. It's important to keep a record for posterity, if nothing else.

(Or you, dear reader.)

So, yeah, I'm currently in Sorrento, Italy - came here (via several connecting flights and an hour long car trip...) from Budapest, Hungary.

Prague didn't...
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I'm writing this message from my laptop, in my room, at the____ Hotel in Prague. We got in yesterday at around 3:30 local time; walked around for a little bit, ate some sausage.

What is it like? First of all it is pretty chilly. Maybe 64 degrees in the sun (its even rather sunny right now) I understand that this is somewhat cooler than normal...
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just found out that a poli-sci grad student from my school died in iraq. she was working in some sort of 'social engineering' capacity for the army. i didn't know her, but i couldn't finish reading the e-mail. i'm usually the last person you'd expect to care about this sort of shit. godspeed nicole.

januseyes: As bad as I am about staying up
really late and not getting enough sleep I really, really
like waking up early in the morning
januseyes: especially going to downtown charles
village in the course of an early-morning routine
januseyes: it usually involves parking my car on
st paul street and 34th - and then walking a block to
university market to acquire some...
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also, no joke,
i love plucking eyebrows.
apparently i'm also quite good at it.
Response sent via messenger.

Glad you liked the book.

Yeah, I'd like to see something that you wrote. I've gone through dry spells that have lasted considerable amounts of time - it's not like it 'spells the end' for your artistic ability.

It's good that someone has some talent or inclination for it. I'm not exactly a Neanderthal without it getting done - but I do suffer from the curse of the Semite.

Gives me 'lashes though. Happy about that, really.
I was parking my car in the lot across the street from my apartment, I was feeling a little put out - it was 1 in the morning - all that was left was going home and to bed. Then the Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 came on the radio. I had to drive my car through the winding ravines surrounding campus until it ended. It...
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I love C&C Carryout...the little Korean resturant/diner at the corner of St. Paul and 32nd. Half of the menu is normal diner fare - eggs, pancakes, burgers, etc. - the other half is Korean food - bim bim bop, fried dumplings, beef bulgogi.

(They also sell untaxed cigarettes under the counter; I don't buy them - but think that it's rather excellent.)
Went to 'Fresh Fresh' (seafood/soul food resturant in downtown Towson) for dinner tonight. The woman who runs it reminds me of Mother Abigail from Stephen King's The Stand. Sort of 'Good Witch of the North' meets Aunt Jemima. Whatever the case, she makes excellent shrimp + macaroni & cheese; the refills came with a certain near-omniscience to their timing.

Honestly, I don't think that...
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I picked up my car today; finally. Goro shat on the floor following her dinner. Don't know how to discipline an iguana - don't suspect that it's possible. Maybe she was angry that I trimmed her nails. Fairly certain that she gets angry.