i have short hair now . . . .i should probably post those pics hahahahah

so i definitely have at least improved upon my grades in my organic reactions class so that's a bonus but I feel as if a girl calling me an asshole three times in front of the other first years has put me in QUITE the predicament.
Cuz I interpret "hey,...
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started grad school a few weeks ago - and its a lot of work but im just getting acquainted and stuff currently


apparently I give out great relationship/guy advice, awesome . . .girls come to me to figure out other guys lol funny funny
it's like I can bitch about girls really because im just too busy trying to figure out my work for...
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Masters? Wait till your third semester, that one is WAY fun.

i got "kicked out" of my lab today, why, you may ask?

because 'I don't play with others' in lamens terms

so that's just a shot to the heart, an embarrassment to me as a chemist and a human.

One of the best parts about this decision the professor had made was she "didn't talk to anyone about it. . .just heard bits and...
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i figured i'd update . . .
so i don't have much to do here but thats ok really - i spend my money on hanging with my family or the one or two friends i have made so far here

putting money into my car is the only other thing i do really cept i was thinking lately of buying an older toyota like...
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hi sweety!!! thx for your words on my new set!!! xoxo
Aw you're too too sweet:-P Why did you leave Buffalo!! Well I can read why, but now you are further away!! lol Where in Buffalo did you live? And where abouts in Rochester?? I promise I wont stalk you;-) I'm actually originally from LI and went to school at UB and stayed...yeah I know bring on the laughter and pity:-)
Thank you for the comment on my new set. I really appreciate it. smile
so tell me what you think . . .
Today my friend, andy, lost his job before he even started it, and they told him in decemeber he was starting in march and as of 930pm my friend danielle's aunt died which also happens to be my singers girlfriends mother. yesterday I learned that my friend patty's aunt died of a combined heart attack stroak...
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Thank you!!!!!
WOOT! I'm SO glad you like What Stays in Vegas! Thanks so much for the comment!
ah new post . . . very rare I hit that button smile
but i felt like it today
So i have exciting news for real! Im playing a few shows in a couple different bands up in march. Now the one band Stage Crew I have been friends with for years and have been longing to play with them or help out for the longest...
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Thanks babe! Happy universal day of love!
i actually feel up to writing a blog for one. . .
I think I only do this when school starts too. anyways i just got back from NYC where my sister, mother and I just shopped for a couple days, ate, and saw a good show.

but, damn, NYC was cold on saturday when we stood for what seemed like hours in the cold...
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Aw, thanks!
So, recommend a movie to me!
kiss Thank you ^^
::sets the scene::
flat white walls surrounding, a rollercoaster mix of eclectic music with nothing more than a shallow and cool breeze behind me

Do you ever notice that which you haven't noticed before? Music is one of this articles which needs to be read over and over to get the full understanding.
Its like when im studying for class and tests - reading the...
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I might go out on Saturday...it kinda depends on how I'm feeling. I've been a sickly little thing lately. Is it at Mohawk or SoundLab?
Do you have a pic of your kitty? miao!!
im not very consistant with updating on here...
anyways i had a party this weekend and i was drunk before most people showed up and wasn't exactly happy about that for I didn't get to hang out with any of my friends...like that white stripes songs "...oh well, oh well"
and things have been up in the air while being in between relationships, well at...
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