Hmm... I can't believe it's almost a week since I updated my journal. Where does the time go???

There's not much new to report- life is, as always, busy.

I can't wait to leave for Florida this coming friday for 8 days of sun and SCUBA diving... best part, getting to go with Nalar. love What fun we shall have!!! wink

Driving home today from Lansing......
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Thanks... Oh and to clarify, I didnt say I didnt want you, and in my defense I have seen you more than once. The first time was fun, but it was the second time that set it over the top.


There is no safe place... My life is a lie...

That is all.

UPDATE: ok... so above statements not entirely true... have a safe place--- otherwise known as Nalar biggrin blush wink

And i have decided that only parts of my life are lies...
just sick of...

not having that dream job...
living with/near family...
friends that get angry BEFORE even talking about the 'problem'...
the little...
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Solution to voices in head
Items needed:
(1) One Sharpie marker
(1) One Head that's hearing voices
optional equpiment:
(1) Plain piece of paper, size dependent on size of your head
Tape or glue, your choice

1. Take marker, draw big X on wall at around shoulder height, or use optional items and draw X on paper then post paper on wall.
2. Take offending head and place forehead onto X at a high velocity.
3. Repeat step 2 until voices go away.
"Bad" is in the eye of the beholder... tongue

And I won't disagree completely about too much light... although, you do have the glow in the dark skin... so it's maybe not THAT far off.

Go lookee at the butterflies I just posted!!
Happy Valentine's Day! Well, I hope it is happy for everyone... In any case, here is an e-rose to let you know I love you! @---`----- and a kiss kiss for good measure....

I have a few poems to... but don't need to bore you with my sappiness. I keep thinking maybe Valentine's day isn't for lovers but is just for 'love' and I have lots...
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Happy belated Valentines Day - it's over rated and only a commercial ploy to get us to spend money. But wtf, it's always a good excuse to buy myself some dark 80% cocoa chocolate something.
My personal favorite

Work sucks!!! I am so sick of being a retail bitch.... mad ....time to do what I LOVE! where is my dream photography job???

*sigh* I need to be independently wealthy.... any sponsors out there... ok, just kidding. *sigh*

AND, despite my bitching re:work--- I am actually really happy lately!

Soul-searching thought of the day: I don't want to live my life in fear....

SOTD: 'Suffer'...
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I could never, ever EVER do retail. You have my respect just for signing up to do it in the first place. kiss

Dream jobs... Yes!!! Photography and Illustration. Design isn't all that much fun anymore.

A little money would be nice.... but what I really need is a healthy dose of motivation and some procrastination killers.

YAY for happiness!!!

When we doing photo stuff? Nickie is willing to be our victim... er... test subject. tongue
yes, i approve on the dancing next time!! biggrin
smile smile smile smile wink wink wink kiss kiss kiss

Ok, I've been really delayed in posting this journal... and Beware_Marc has been bugging me to do it... so, with no further ado---

I have officially passed the FIRST in a series of steps to becoming a SuicideGirl! YAY! *bounce* *bounce* *bounce*
I submitted my app on Jan 29- around 10:30 pm- prior to my journal post saying so... and I received an acceptance email...
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Wow.. an offer to kick ass for me and delightful wetness... two for two on my part.

yea, heres hoping that we will get to hang again sometime soon biggrin
mad mad mad mad frown mad mad mad mad

Due to recent events in my life... I am feeling it necessary to say the following....

First, let me say.... for those of you who are looking for an acquaintance and chatting, you can stop reading the rest doesn't apply to you.

If there is anyone left after that preface (that is, anyone who might actually want to have a friendship with me in real...
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it was nice meeting youbiggrin
I am feeling some hostility here. So here is a *BIG HUG*, hope that makes you feel better.
Current Mood: Bouncy!

biggrin biggrin biggrin So, i did it.... officially filed my application to be an SuicideGirl! smile smile smile

Of course, I don't know what's gonna happen yet, but I am still feeling a little giddy. So sad that I am currently all alone. Guess I'll have to have a shot to toast!

Already plotting for set in case I'm acepted..... wink

How was everyone's weekend? kiss

Portishead- It Could...
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I have a website but it's truly ancient... I haven't made time to update either, even though it would probably be a good idea for business. confused
I cant move unfortunately, due to my child situation. She is too young still to be home alone, I need to work, and therefore need help. And that help is in Michigan.
current mood: I'm on cloud nine! love For first time in awhile, things are looking up, lots of ops for the paper and feeling like "why stress- it just causes wrinkles...."

But, wrote this earlier today--- prior to mood improvement...

a shell of my former self
cracked, brittle and dry
but not hollow
filled with confusion, cynacisim and hurt.

a small light shines through
yearns to...
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oh i was just interested in your photoj and doc stuff. i have my own site here. i'll be looking for your site when it comes together!
thanks! it was actually designed by the wonderful malloreigh. i would recommend her if you're looking for someone.
Current mood: slighty grumpy

Today wasn't actually such a bad day in 'retail hell' at one of my jobs... I actually got to spend some time chatting with people.

Therin lies the problem frown

Ever had someone put a thought/suggestion in your head? And then you spend the ENTIRE day thinking about this idea.... and you psycho-analyze it until it becomes something that it is most...
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Sounds like a plan. Give me a couple weeks of recovery time... I'm not allowed to lift stuff for a while and then we can just spend an afternoon/evening experimenting and such.

FYI: I use a Nikon D70 with a 18-70mm F4 zoom and a Sigma 80-200 F2.8 zoom. I forget what the power of the strobes is. I have two, plus umbrellas. I've also got some reflectors and and a few othe goodies. The main thing I need experience doing is fiuguring out the metering. I've read a bit on how to go about it... just haven't really played with the lights yet. My place is somewhat small which limits things a bit. Shouldn't be too bad.

Oh... I don't need others to put thoughts in my head to stew on. I do that just fine myself... tongue

Hope you get outta that place and find a good one for the weekend... smile
How about we play with both sets of stuff since I don't learn my own goodies if all I use is yours? wink

Doesn't really matter... Playing with cameras and being creative is most important.

Just in case it isn't mentioned anywhere you've read yet... my education is in Industrial Design. I have a degree from College for Creative Studies and 17 years experince as an automotive designer. I think I have a good eye for color and composition.. I'm just slowly learning the technical aspects of taking pictures....

If you have ideas on themes .. start bouncing them off me. I'm a great brainstorm partner. biggrin

Ever feel like there is no place that you truly belong... or perhaps that the fit is slightly awkward? whatever

I think I have been feeling that way for awhile now. I've not really encountered many people/groups/places that can truly accept all the the random bits of my personality, or the fact that some of my interests contradict each other... (like my belief in aspects of...
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You may not give Nalar up... but he may give you up for me... Cuz I'm just that addictive. wink

I can identify with what your saying.. I hang in a bunch of different groups of people, some quite contradictory in nature. I figured out quite a while ago that I'm just not like very many people.. even in a group of oddballs I don't exactly "fit". So I do what I like and try to be with people who accept me for who I am.

SG has a pretty broad range of people... I like that, and I suspect you will appreciate it too.

Officially photographers are not allowed to solicit girls to take photos for SG. Unofficially... I will say that I have studio equipment that I need to learn to use and that if you look in my pics folder you'll see that I did a shoot with my pal elora. I'm also talking with SG Mileka about a doing a set. Join the "SG Hopefuls" group for info and advice on the subject.

That is all.
but what if they never ask the question cause they are afraid of the answer?

This is exactly why I will answer ANYTHING anyone asks me honestly... the questions that they cannot handle they will not ask. I am not a secretive person, just a private person... information is available it just does not hang out on billboards.

And no matter what mr marc says, if there was a guy Nalar was going to leave anyone for, it would certainly be me. I dont think you have anything to worry about.

Oh yes, and to be clear, my ass would be red way before my face would.
Last night's attempt at going out was a complete crash-and-burn. Somehow, nalar and i were coerced into going to BoogieFever for a friend's bday--- but the line was fucking HUGE! so, decided to skip that and relocate to a line-less irish pub. cheap drinks, ok music, but nearly as fun as industrial night at necto. plus, there was a distinct lack of pole for my...
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Definitely. smile
Thank you for the kind wishes... or whatever that was. tongue

Yes... we should talk design and stuff. but first you will have to accept that Nalar is mine. ALL MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh... and welcome to SG!

biggrin biggrin biggrin

PS. I live a block from Boogie Fever. Barforama!!! tongue tongue tongue

[Edited on Jan 25, 2006 9:54PM]
Well, I finally joined SG.... nalar's only been bugging me to for the last several months. But, I'm glad I did! Maybe one of these days I'll get around to submitting a model photoset too. wink But, I can be really picky with pictures of myself since photography is my profession... i'd rather be behind the camera. (hmmm, except when doing body shots or giving...
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yeah no probs you can go for a ride anytime wink
welcome to sg and thank u for ur kind words. I wish i could do the writing thing with my daughter but she's only 3 1/2 she will be four in march. so right now i'm confused at what to do. she knows that her daddy is gone and she understands that he's not comming back, but i'm not sure she fully understands. also i don't know how she is feeling or what she is thinking and it is frustrating as all hell. i tell her constantly that i love her and that even though daddy is gone he's still watching over her and he still loves her. i alsoo decided to take time off of school this semester so that i can work on this with her. i plan to get us signed up for counciling and see if that helps. but thank u very much for ur support.