https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1XTeJDMumwY The Quiet Room
If you are a Witch it is often a good idea to wear a cross or something to fit in so no one knows. Sounds so stupid but I do and it is a great cover no questions asked to ohhh haven't been in a while lost my faith pretty much. Blah blah fun conversations and information. I wear a Gryffindor Potter hat sometimes to find the fake Potter Witches and teach or just say no please just don't... 🍄
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq_qen-eUnw Lana Del Rey - Season Of The Witch | Lyrics (The Love Witch)
To be very honest I only eat once every few days and intermittent fast I used to have a eating disorder but you always do it becomes your life. I went over 20 days when homeless not eating just drinking pop at McDonalds I got ban and a letter sent to my mom's... I am happy eating a peanut butter sandwhich and so thankful for any food ever and everything even each breathe is a miracle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P027oGJy2n4 Highly Suspect - Serotonia  ❄️☃️🗻☃️❄️
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9koWS9Lcqqg Nine Inch Nails - Bad Witch (Full Album) I seen Trent live 6 times and 100s of others.
The painting was my fathers very old of the beach. It is crooked like me. lol 🏩
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjTHfKjNI7g Ur̲i̲ah H̲e̲e̲p De̲mons and W̲i̲zards Full Album 1972 🧙🏼🦨 I met him in the forest he killed me a few times but I killed him the 5th. He could control time and take any form almost he looked like a Demonic Shaman. He was with me for 1000s of years until I sent him to Heaven to be judged through prayer and ritual. 🦨