From phaseish


thank you for the follow, good luck on your endurance journey. P90x is a great program.

thank you very much <3 i judge men all the time because I am confident enough to know that I don't want to fuck them. Yes P90x is a great program you can torrent it if you don't wanna buy it they have 3 versions out . Ab ripper x will get you abs if you don't eat pizza and fat all day. Just make sure your fat intake is low. <3 you look great with the your emo razered hair in that pic.
thanks @phaseish, I'm glad we share that same lack of insecurity where our sexuality is concerned, it certainly makes life more interesting. Also, we seem to have similar tastes in beauty. Thanks for the compliment, but I actually haven't razored my hair in years, that's strictly a scissor cut that I gave myself. (I'm really particular about who cuts my hair. I don't like strangers doing it, because it feels very intimate to me. Funny, right?) But again, thanks for the advice, so far so good, and wish me luck.