So I finally did something I never thought I would ever do. I've started cutting the negative out of my life which means friends. Well I can't even call them friends. But today was the first day without the negative and the drama and I have to say I feel great. This is the best I have felt in a long time. The last day...
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So it's the fourth. which means its time for me to start drinking. Getting piss drunk sounds like a very good idea. I think that will be the plan actually.i got some Vanilla Vodka, some wine, and i'm sure I got some beer floating around the house. I just wish I didn't have to get drunk alone. That part sucks big time. The question is...
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So it's finally the weekend. Woo hoo. it's another boring weekend as usual. We have the city wide celebration this weekend and it pretty much sucks. I'm 21 now so the only thing that appealed to me up there was the bar. I could have stayed up there and gotten drunk if I wanted to but it is cheaper to get drunk at home. The...
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So I had a biopsy on my thyroid today. Oh my god! that hurt so freaking bad!!! The doctor shoved the needle in before I was all numbed up. I'm just glad it is done and over with. I hope I never have to do something like that again. towards the end of the procedure I didn't feel much but during it, oh my god....
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So its been a few days since my last post. the last few days have just been busy and i haven't been in much of a mood to be on the computer or the damn thing has been occupied.

So I found some new music today thanks to a blog by Nixon Suicide. They are called Pig face. I've been listening to them for the...
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So today has been a very irritable day. Besides the fact i've had a bad freaking headache all day, this so called friend, who I honestly can't stand, has called me 4 freaking times today and once last night. I haven't answered because i'm not in the mood to talk with really anyone tonight but she keeps insisting on calling me. and I know its...
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So it's Saturday night and i'm doing this thing we internet people like to do called blogging. It isn't like I have anything else better to do on a saturday night. To be honest with you, I wish I was at the bar with Michael or Thomas. That is another thing I have yet to do. Have a drink at the bar. I'm long overdue...
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Sweet ass video!
okay since it's Friday night and its obvious I have nothing else better to freaking do besides write Erotica i'll write another blog. Yes for all of you who are reading this, I write erotica. I have been for years. I'm not the best at it but it gives me time to get my fantasies onto paper. Plus my friends give me crazy ideas that...
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Okay i'm going to keep this short cause i'm tired and I would like to get some sleep tonight. My name is Abby. I'm 21 and the majority owner of the account. I share it with two close friends of mine, and I soon hope to add a third friend to the bunch. Michael, my first closest friend, is the first co owner. He loved...
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