Turkey day is upon us, and I might get a few days off. Happy Happy, Joy, Joy. Sunday night I am heading for Vegas for a "business trip". I'll be back Friday night. I'll be at Decible Industry tonight (Wednesday), and the Vaz show on Friday night at the Conservatory. Come out and kick it. See ya.
Another day, another dollar. I've just been passed the torch to lead the OKSG group. I wonder how well it will go not having a cute chic running things. We will definitely need more cute chics. Going to 66 Bowl tonight for a free show and some miscellaneous weirdness. Back to work.
cool, so your in charge of SGOK,
i always know about events that come up...i tryed to post a flyer for hatebreed, but i don't know how to make it work..

have you tryed to get ahold of my boi about the band stuff???
come bring yo drums and jam out!!!! wink
Hey. finally got my Credit Card/bank crap fixed. It's good to be back. Maybe I can get my old profile restored, but being over a few months I doubt it. I'll drop in later and harass everyone.
yea, im sure my boi would totally be interested.....!! they really want to start jammin, but they are a hard core band.
my boi is david, just send him an email plnnywlze@yahoo.com.

you realize you own our group now right?