Some one give me a job. I hate mine and I hate most of the people I work with. frown
most people do. frown
So, I am still looking for a new job I think I may not be looking hard enough. I am sick of where is work right now I have been there going on about 3 years now and feel like I am under paid and veiwed as someone that works hard but, yet why doing I get more money. Right now I am working for...
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Good luck with everything!
(kissThanks for the compliment too)
Hey, just wanted to say thank you for the lovely comment on my set! I really appreciate it. kiss
Well, I might be in a few weeks teaching little kids art part time through a program here in Richmond. I went to watch a class today and it was fun. The kids seem to learn from young teachers that can talk to them like there little people not just dirty kids that need something to do. I hope to Enjoy it.
I am looking into new work. Wish me luck. love
Well, I had the weirdest deam the other night. I was attacked by bees with human faces and found a dead body in a freezor. I was really weirded out about the bees. the have been making me feel strange all week. shocked
lets make 2006 rock!!
don't apologize for the long comment. i like it. i'm glad you dug my settongue unfortunately (luckily?) there were no construction workers lurking around.
Drop that Ball!!!!!!!!!!!!! kiss
Happy New Year

XOXO night
Everyone have a good new years. I am not doing much I am going to hang out eat dinner with my girl friend and some other people, and drink and then go out and party it up somewhere. its kind of over after the ball drops and you get your new years kiss in. Its like ok well its 2006 woooooooo!
paaaaaar tay wooooo
I am off all this week, b/c my band was going to go on tour but we had booking problems and had to stay home. I felt my job did not need to know I was still in town. I am just going to take it easy and do some stuff around the house, and blue print some plans for the new year.
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