So, there I was, dealing but angry (er, still am angry but in a more under the surface, reasonably streamlined way), when another discussion ensued last Monday in which I realised somethging else. I have this love/hate relationship with being grotesque. I hate it because I don't *want* to be grotesque and am tired of being *seen* as grotesque (and for those of you who...
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Well, hun, I'm not sure what to say about this. Some people can see beyond the physical, and to them I doubt that you appear 'grotesque'. No life is worth living if you cannot be who you want to be, inside. Never let anyone change that more than you want to be changed. And we'll be here to listen whenever you need us. *hug*
I understand what you mean about harming yourself before anyone else can... it's a common conception really... but it is also a pitfall and I am glad you're aware of its dangers. smile

Feel bettar!
Well, the last week has been all funky fresh and fun!


Bizarrely, the breakup last week was not he worst event of the week. No, that was reserved for the life changing revelations stemming from a massive argument with my parents.

See, what many online folk don't know unless I state it is that I'm physically disabled. Cerebral palsy, moderate, enough that I need...
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I hope things get better darling...things usually have to get better after they are bad. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you smile
There's times that those cracks threaten to suck me in as well. I just keep full speed ahead and my nose up, because failure is not an option for me. *HUGS* Let me know if you need anything.
puke puke puke puke puke skull skull skull skull robot robot robot robot ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! miao!! bok bok bok bok oink oink oink oink oink EL SUICIDO LOCO EL SUICIDO LOCO EL SUICIDO LOCO EL SUICIDO LOCO ARRR!!! ARRR!!! ARRR!!! ARRR!!! mad mad mad mad love love love love confused confused confused confused whatever whatever whatever tongue tongue tongue tongue surreal surreal surreal surreal biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin

So there!
i am not good at interpreting random symbols. hell, i can't even tell when someone is hitting on me... but that may be caused by my inability to accept anyone would (and i still think they are all lying about it).

anyway, hope the time with the girl was good.
Girl update.

She arrives in my home town tomorrow.


Thanks, potato! Good luck with the girlio.
ahhh, much luck with that... i myself have discovered that the cute girl i work with is dating an equally cute guy whom bares the same name.

coincidence seems to run rampant these days... time keeps doing funny things to me.

anyway, love is a many splendid thing and all that rot... though i have come to believe that true love needs to be fleeting. its so much better when it can only be perfect for a moment.

time is not the enemy, its all in our heads. and in the end, we are all playing a game of you.
Happy Christmas all of you.

Happy Holidays to you miss! biggrin
Merry Christmas hun

I'm back in the 'wanting to vent but can't stage of my life right now. Mostly because I'm dealing with stuff I've no choice but to deal with and really have no right to be getting pissed off about. Especially around here, when some of y'all have way worse stuff to deal with than I do. So yeah, irritable but dealing.

Went to see...
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Beautiful to know it can bring you two together. My father and I will never bond that way.
over all, how would you say the new LOTR was??? love
We talked. Everything fine and there was no need to angst about the awkward. I'm an idiot smile

And even better, I wasn't an angsty idiot around her! OK, I was an angsty idiot around lots of others, including you guys but I wasn't around her - I just brought it up calmly and we dealt with it cooly and swiftly.

Which prolly raises a debateable...
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blush hi

Cherry xox
That's all right. Usually takes a knock upside the skull for me to learn anything with how thick-headed I am.
Ever had one of those phone-calls with someone you really care about and it's going well and it's going well and suddenly you say something at the end and it all gets awkward and that's how the call ends, and no matter how good the rest was you're now all worried because of the awkwardness at the end?

Yeah. Guess who that happened to last...
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That's not avant-garde at ALL, dude! tongue

I hope you get your shitnit together. the first step and all smile
I'm right there with ya, same situation in a lot of ways. Told a potential employer to shove it up sideways and break the handle off after they fuckered Tiff over with some bullshit corporate cutthroat tactics. Made sure I had her persecutor on the line as well. biggrin

Good luck with the whole situation.
Does anyone here read Zebra Girl? I ask because there's a character in there who's both a wizard and a pervert who in one strip once interrupted his quest through the mystical metaverse (or whatever the magical plane is called in this strip) by his alarm clock, thus queuing the thought

'Time for porn!'

Which neatly sums up my brain whenever I check out...
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hello back to you! skull
See, you should never hesitate to be yourself, even within an alternative style. For example, I consider myself a Goth, but I'm one of the cheeriest Goths you'll ever find. I have my dark side, I acknowledge it, but I see no reason to escape mainstream fashion, etc only to submit to a different one. Some people march to their own drummer. I've got a damned parade.
I am sooo fuckin' *bored*!

Not just in general. Bored in my heart. Bored of my life. Being reminded why I can still consider myself 'alternatiuve' despite the lacxk of piercings, dress sense or even effort. Because what we get offerd sticks in my craw at some pooint. Sure, I'm sensible and rational and try to learn and grow and become a Fit Memember of...
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Hey hon, I'm sorry I was away earlier, I'm very flighty w/ aim... err, I'm actually leaving right now, I was just negligent earlier!