so, what's up? i'm in a strangely happy mood. it's strange only because i can't pinpoint why i'm happy. how does that even happen? the whole not knowing why part. i'm almost totally computer illiterate, so i have plans to take a "computer" class. i don't even know what to call it, ha ha. i'm stoopid, i know. smile
i've been thinking about interior design classes,...
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hey lovely!

how's things?

feeling randomly happy rocks. biggrin maybe its because you busted your ass doing exercise? I've slowly built up to finally jogging every day or every other day...and man, what they tell you about endorphins is true...and its funny because i dont *do* drugs so it always makes me feel funny that i'm getting myself to be *high* blush

neat aspirations..! I'm totally in love with Italy. Whenever you go...take me with you? *laughs* just kiddins' wink

what kind of book are you writing?? i'd love to chat about publishing manuscripts because I have this one that I've written a query letter for publishers to look at...and Ive sat on it for a long time because apparently for non-fiction (mine is 'creative non-fiction') they want you to have the whole book ready at any given moment. Crazy. I've done a couple hundred pages - but it's meant to be a whole series of books...so im all blush blush blush eeek!

so tell me about your book. smile

interior design looks fun doesn't it? I love that you sound like someone who runs around and gains a lot of experience in many different types of things. One of my best friends is a super overachiever at millions of things and she's so fun to talk to!


enjoy the happiness! kiss
Hello, hello again old little faithful little wee journal.... Just got back from Lockhart for a funeral, quite good, it went pretty well actually. It was sad, thinking about getting old and the thought of life going on after you. Not being able to see everything and be there for everything is the part that gets me the most. See, I grew up around this...
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wow, funny week... i don't even know if i can explain it reasonably or rationally or whatever the fuck. too much crying from everyone, including me. i think everyone around me is pmsing or got kicked in the head by the "get emotional and cry all the time" ogre. i'm really blah right now. i ate too much, that might have something to do with...
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you like firefly? I looked at your crush listing, and i recognize walsh.
hey chickie....ooo and hey rumbler too. blush

so much going on - and all i really want to do is go out tonight and run around like a loon, laughing my ass off. fun!

i love change. a lot. i just hate it when it moves too fast and i miss the picture show. i do love new scenes, new people, new times - just so long as there are a few people that can be strings to pull you back into loving arms.

hey - btw, im in the most insanely happy mood because of moving back to austin...so my apologies if it comes off as if i am a cookie cutter kook. blush just a lot of energy.

so what are you passionate about? who are you? how do you come across to people? what are you working on in yourself and in our world, if anything?
