Happy February.

Still alive, living in the 'wood now. Not sso sure I'm going to Az any time soon. Not that anyone reads this anyway.

Yep I'm still alive too. Ouch nice eye I bet that hurt.
Okay, so it is november. I am not in flight school, I haven't flown since august and I have no money and no job. Ironically enough, I need to get a good job so I can get approved for the $50K it will cost for flight school. Since there are no jobs here in the winter, that means I have to find a place on...
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Summer is almost over. I didn't get ot fly as much as I wanted, but I have had a good summer over all. Met some new friends, worked out, drank (too much) and had one hell of a good time.

Hoping to go to flight school in November, gotta get my shit together first...

I am on my rock.

I work and I work out and I sleep and eat and shit and piss occasionally.

I hope to start flying again very soon.

That is all.

I am back on the island...back on Ohio. biggrin Mostly a good thing...but I miss my Koliberek and my NYC crew and the food... frown \

The thirst consumes me, unquenchable, my lips dry and my tongue sticks to the back of my tooth. Water won't slake my thirst nor whiskey or wine. Only the air sweetened by her breath can quench it; a slight glance my way, a casual brush of her fingertip across my hand and I shudder and melt into the floor. Like a dream where you go...
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Happy New Year!

That is an understatement. biggrin

I had the best new year's in ages.

I was kissed by an awesome girl, I had a blast, and also an epiphany.

My compass is working and it is pointing away from where I am right now, but I have the fire inside and can breathe again.



How are you today?

I am well. I have a slight hangover headache and my knee is still in a brace, but I am well.

I am alone in a city of millions, but it isn't really so bad.

Alone for the right reasons is better than with someone for the wrong ones.

May we all find love and learn to live with our...
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So apparently, anesthesia works extremely well on me...it took me over 4 hours to come down enough for them to send me home Friday after my surgery. surreal

I remember about 3.5 of those 4+ hours, first thing was I woke up and thought damn, did they do it already? Well, they must have cuz I feel like shit and I have a brace on my...
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happy birthday!
happy birthday!!! smile