From bmg0715


Kinzy, we had never seen each other in person, ever. We found each other right away! We fell into each other's arms immediately! I spent the next nine hours with the most enchanting woman I have ever been with!

And I am sooo happy! This old Texas dude is in love, probably for the last time, this incarnation will see. And I could not be more at peace ever, than I am now. Heading back to Houston to spend the first full week of April with her, her baby girl, and to meet her parents. God! Her momma is almost ten years younger than me! I am sooo nervous!
😍😍😍😍 @bmg0715 This warmed my heart! Omg, congrats! I'm so happy for you! I feel the love you've found in her from here! I hope the trip is wonderful and that her family welcomes you with open arms- which I'm sure they will! I would love to hear about it!