Go Download "Leap Year" now at http://www.hoodieallen.com/

This was going to be the first music blog post on my new site but since the company i ordered the domain name from is fucking around i have been unable to actually put a site up to post on >.<

So I've been following an artist for a while now called "Hoodie Allen" some of the tracks...
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I read "a dirty job" already wink
I think i first though about getting a tattoo when i was 14 or so but never had the money for it since i was always high ^^ In retrospect probably a good thing since i would have got something i no doubt would have regretted later on.

I was always interested in broken line tattoos, i can't think of another way to describe it....
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Hai, so i decided to come on here and become a member just so that i could come onto chat and talk to some of the fun people i saw and some i talked to while i was staying with Salliss.

I think i just like to talk to and meet new pretty people who are open minded smile