Day off. Listening to Social Distortion with some Weezer tossed in here and there. Not much going except a planned nap in the afternoon. A day of nothing but relaxation. No deadlines. No arguing with reporters or editors. No having to check the wire to see if the latest thing to blow up needs to the make the front page or not.

Been thinking about...
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Social Distortion & Weezer !!! Win !
Two notes about working in news...

1) You know you've been in it too long when you find yourself think, "Save the attempted assassinations for the days I'm working, people. I want something interesting to put on page one, too."

2) It's funny how a news organization's deadlines get all fucked up by a homoerotic hobby where men chase each other around and wrestle one...
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It's a tired cliche, but I swear it's like every woman I like or have any interest in gravitates toward men who treat them like shit. Maybe I should work on being an angry dick like I used to be in the past, though I was never one to treat women poorly.

Like I said...a tired cliche. So is life sometimes.
Mate yea i feel your pain. Been down that road the last 6 yrs.
Trust me though dont go to the Angry Dick .... Doesnt get you anywhere . . . . Will be worse off in the long run . . . . I found the *dont give a F#$%* road worked best for me. Took a lot of control to be NOT INTERESTED but it worked for me ......
Been off and hibernating all week, which goes well alongside the snowfall we've been receiving. I really can't stand the cold. How about we give up on the east coast entirely during the winter months?

Been thinking about getting a cat since I've been a few months without one and miss having a furball sleeping and purring next to me on these cold snowy nights....
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Worked today. Get to work every day through until Thursday of next week. Then I get to go back that Friday. Gonna be a fun two weeks, though I guess I shouldn't complain since I'll be getting some overtime.

Just me and a trainee working on Thanksgiving, too. Somehow I predict I'll be giving our sports guy some pages to lay out if the newspaper...
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Said my final goodbyes to Snickerdoodle the Cat today and finally drew her suffering to an end with her falling asleep forever in my arms. I like to think she's at peace finally, but there's going to be little peace for me for a while. I'm going to miss feeling her curled up against me every night. The house feels an empty place now.
Thank you for the positive comment on my set "SPF 5000" in member review, it was sweet of you, I appreciate it! <333
It really is quite amazing how we can be our own worst enemies at times, but I really don't feel like going into it right now. I just feel like going to sleep. Slept 12 hours before going into work today. Still feel like I should sleep another 24 more. That said, I've been asleep in other ways for far too long.
Thanks so much for all your love and support on my first set The Pink Suite kisskisskiss
My cat, Snickerdoodle, has been sick for a while now - barely able to hold anything down, not nearly as active or chipper as her usual self, not greeting me at the door like a dog when I get home from work - and I think it's time for me to do the humane thing with her.

That kills me.

I've done it before with...
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I hear you. I feel so sorry. I had 2 cats that I loved so much... just like you. The end was the same. I never cried that much. My best thoughts to you.
Dear eastern U.S...enough with the heat wave already.

I shouldn't be walking out of my nice air-conditioned office after midnight and getting hit in the face with a ton of humidity a temperature still somewhere in the 70s.

I'd prefer some cool breezes and less moisture. You're really making me miss the winter at this point.
Holy shit am I tired of working weekends. At least this one is the last for a couple months...

Holy shit am I tired of passing by drunken morons every night now that the weather has warmed up and its comfortable for them to smoke outside again.

Holy shit I can't believe I actually like having cops around the neighborhood all the time. Rousting those...
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Walking home from work I'm three blocks out from the house when I come across a pair of stray dogs. A strange pack made up of a pug and a pitbull. It's a cloudy spring night with puddles on the ground, but the temperature in the air is perfect and a pleasant cool breeze makes everything seem perfect. Then I get a real good look...
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Some days I believe in vampires. Not the bloodletting Bram Stoker kind, but people who hover about and drain you in other ways. Sometimes their mesmerizing and you can't seem to get away. What tangled webs we weave or sometimes fall prey to.
It only came out on the 4th so you didn't wait that long tongue