So I got the coolest job. I work at a gymnastics center that has a circus program in its summer day camp, and I teach circus to little kids now! How frikken radical is that. (since the eighties are "back".. remember radical?)

I swear I had two things to write in here.. but I guess not. Oh.. well Heather moved out here last week. (Has...
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Even if I can't do aerial silk....I'd make a kickass ringleader or something, haha.
Hahaha, I'm afraid that's the only thing I could do, though! I'm only trained in how to prance around on a stage and sing.
Big Photoshoot tonight.. story later.. maybe.

for now... go here and wait....>>

Sideshow Coyote dot com
Would you trust this man with your children?

Sounds good!
Its all kicking off then huh? keep us informed!
Thats really good, i wish someone taught me circus skills and gymnastics when i was 5. I'd be alot closer to becoming a ninja.
When I got back from DEMF, Harvey, my roommate, the other clown, said she was going to move out come the first. Now, I love Harvey to death, but sometimes she's really hard to get along with, and even when that's going on, I can still be nice to her and whatever and just let it blow over. So although I was kind of upset...
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I recomment not working with her.
Difficult people are always difficult.. it wont get any easier over time.
Man... their selling tickets to hell pretty cheap these days!
I found out today that i'm the father of all lies and the uncle of all tricks.
See now im just confused.
And the cousin of all cuties?
I had a weird night last night, yesterday was mostly just about work, so I did all my work, then came home with nothing more to do but wake up the next day and go to work again. (except I'm taking today and tomorrow as my weekend.. so turns out I don't work today.. just wish I had time to get into the metal shop.....
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I do completely irrational things sometimes.
I think its just because you can, and once your feet stop moving the reasons for stopping just arent strong enough.

I think its pretty good to do irrational things sometimes, you never know what might happen. Random actions give a simple and monotonous life the chance to veer in all kinds of directions.

Keep it up with the pointless journeys i say!
I just read your most humbling moment.
What a great read, on a more relevent note i always find it funny how you can see things are going to go wrong quite often way before you start, but you think, nah it'll be ok. Lets leave it to chance.
There you go, slap to the face. Chance isnt your friend, chance doesnt have friends.. thats why its chance. It wont do you any favours.

How the hand healing?
So welcome to my life.. where nothing is as it was.

In the past two weeks, everything that I have come to depond on, and have taken as a big part of my life that will stay stable for at least a little while to keep me sane... has poof! gone away.

My body now has ink embedded into it. My left arm is longer...
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Hi smile I saw your roommates post in SGSF (I'm new there). I was just wondering if there was any chance you'd be open to a couple taking the one room. My boyfriend and I are headed out that way in a couple months, me for school, him to be closer to his parents. I think we fit the bill of what you're looking for fairly well, , so, if you're not opposed to a twosome and haven't already found anyone...well, look me up smile
I miss Smash.

And I'll finish my stories from DEMF (started last entry) soon.. I promise.
biggrin biggrin biggrin

Thanks for that dude!!!

Do you mean Smash Mash?

My first session for my first tattoo was yesterday.. and it could not look better. If anyone in the bay area wants a tattoo.. you've just got to go to Everlasting Tattoo. They're the greatest shop, and my artist there, George Campise is the best artist there. In my humble opinion which is always right. As soon as he whipped out the...
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So I found out yesterday that I got into the Clown Conservatory. yay! My roommate also auditioned, but as of yet, hasn't heard back from them.

Let me give you a little background. Harvey and I are both clowns, but we come at the same thing from veerrrryyy different angles. She has a rigid theatre training background, and I do not. I have no acting...
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