That Is What Learning Is. You Suddenly Understand Something You've Understood All Your Life, But In A New Way.

I told someone this week that I thought life was a learning experiance. I really do think that but I was so busy feeling sorry for myself I almost forget to reflect and think about what I've learned. I stopped and thought about it and it's...
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I enjoy reading your entries because i can relate all too well.
things will probably get better.

thanks for adding me.
our puzzle pieces kind of touch now.
ps. i was being a lurker on your myspace.
we know quite a few of the same people...
Could I be the one thing
missing from your life
and from your everyday?
I need you to be beside me,
why don't you call me and we'll see?
I see you having coffee
you are almost beside me,
laughing with your friends.
I tell lorraine to look at you,
I tell her I need to tell you

I don't know you
but I want...
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I second every thing you typed. I'm sorry you're going through this. You're such a sweet person. These people don't deserve you.

Haha I had to stand in line for 6 hours to be so lucky, but it's been worth every minute of it, I love that damned little thing. We played it so much Sunday my arms were sore lol.
You know your date really likes you when he still talks to you let alone sees you again after you back into his neighbors car and get lost on the drive home and call five times or more for help on the third date.
Its a great feeling isnt it :-p
hell of a guy.....
"I don't like you, you don't like me. I don't love you ,you don't love me. I really really love you and you really really love me."

Sometimes the words of a child make more sence then those of an adult.

I realized last week that I need to spend more time reflecting on my days, thoughts and actions. I think part of why I...
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I can totally relate. I've been there quite a bit. I run a label, and have friends in bands on the label. Some of them are not very good people, but you constantly try to give them another chance to hopefully redeem themselves. What I've found is those that are worth it, let you know their at least trying to be better.

As far as the jumping, yep, totally for you. And well.. not to brag.. but I'm kind hearted too. smile Sometime I might shoot you an IM if thats ok?
Yes, there is the philosophy that "a life lived for others is the only life worth living." And that's true to a certain extent, but sometimes there are times when you just have to work on the "me."

A lot of people deserve a lot more than they give themselves credit for.

You deserve a lot more than the "jerks." Hang in there.
No matter how many times I look at dating sites I never find what I'm looking for. I kept looking for a while thinking that maybe it would somehow be there this time or the next. It wasn't. I don't even look at the profiles now. I'll get a few messages a week and I'll read them and maybe look at the profile of the...
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I have used dating sites on and off for years.

They suck. I almost never get any messages, and the rare time that I do, it's someone I have no interest in.

And, as lame as it sounds, I'm generally too shy to contact women. Yes, even on dating sites.

But hey, if you get really lonely, I'm single. biggrin
Love isn't dead. Modern romance is definitely close to non-existent though. Internet dating always kind of will be more a temporary thing I think. I'm sure some people have great luck with it, but you can think you know someone really well online and meet an entirely different person face to face. I gave it a try when I first moved up here, but its not really been so successful. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs Modern Romance song, pretty easy to relate to in current times. I'm in the same boat, sometimes it rough, but all you can do is hang in there and try to stay positive. Your beautiful, have good taste, and write some pretty intelligent things, so I'm sure you won't have to wait long.
I've always thought that everything happens for a reason. I've never really been big on beleiving in coincidences and after last night I beleive in them even less. While going to see the guy that I likes band play the brand of toilet in the bathroom was the same as his last name. The same spelling and all. Yeah it's a really small little sign...
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"Truth is stranger than fiction" seems to fit perfectly with what happened to you :-p
I'm definitely feeling good about it. It was starting to irk me seeing the boxes just sit there for two months. It's nice to have that out.

We're going to try to be friends. We have no real ill feelings for each other. The situation just didn't work out.

It is nice to have my space. Sure, I miss having her around; she is my best friend. But, with each closed door, another one opens. Life goes on. And I have the opportunity to do whatever I want!
Change Is Certain, Just Like Death, Taxes And Heartache

Why are we never happy with what we have? We always want something more. Something bigger and better. What happens once we get what we wanted? We just want more. Why are we so concerned with tangable things? Why can't we just be happy? What happens when there's nothing left to want? We're surronded by possesions...
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Hey there,

Thanks! I can't wait to learn. Then we can write songs together; you on the lyrics, of course.

"Why are we never happy with what we have?" Shit, if I could figure that out all my problems would be over! biggrin

Take care, talk to you soon!
I think the problem with possessions is they get old, or better newer things come out. With the little things, old or new, their all good, the catch is you have to be in the right mood to enjoy them.
Because Of You I Find It Hard To Trust Not Only Me, But Everyone Around Me

I've been thinking about life and our purpose in it lately. Last night as I was trying to fall asleep I was thinking about it and

how everyone wants to beleive that there's so much to it. Maybe there is but I really don't think so. Everyone isn't really...
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wow...that's great. I love how you're so introspective. That's really nice...
Everyone is definitely connected, its just a matter of if the connections are bi-directional or one way that really make life profound, and how much effort it takes to allow for either.
Cold hands, warm heart
We just need some time apart
And everything will be okay
Oh no, not again
Why does it always happen?
It seems like every other day

You're too loud, I'm too quiet
Now we've rid a storm cloud
I'll see you on the other side
Old habits, young ways
Maybe we're just a phase
But we can say we really try...
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"And it really shouldn't be this hard" ....I think I've said that to every girl I ever dated....

I hope this doesn't mean you need some time apart from us? (yes, it's ALL about us! ) smile
i love it.....i'll share some of my darkness with you someday
good to hear from you mad
I'd cry if I had any tears left for you. I don't though. I've already wasted enough on you. I knew this was all just a big mistake. Maybe I did sabatouge it. It never would have worked though. It never did. You wanted to play the blame game and I'm the next pitcher. It was way more you than me. I was better to...
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Did you by any chance know my ex-wife? Cuz this is her to a T!
You mean I'm her to a T or my ex was?