""There is a long tradtion of black people educating themselves in prison or dropping-out of school and succeeding without a diploma: Malcome X, August Wilson, Patti LaBelle, Whoopie Goldberg, KRS-ONE, Nas and so on. Elija Muhammad was arrested in the 1930s for refusing to send his own kids to public school. Black families have always found segret ways to educate themselves or they wouldn't be...
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Over there? Do you mean, in France?
nice quote.

i have read no more prisons......

but you haven't read "the illuminatus triology" so we're even.
YES< i am very fucking scared. Time for war, mutherfuckers. Get out your Desert Storm memorabilia! Yahoo! OIL OIL OIL> I LOVE OIL.

I saw Noam Chomsky speak at the Kennedy School on Monday night. That was just what I needed because he totally shot down all these wonkish bratty entitled shit heads (all men who stood up to ask questions) who think we are...
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yeah, chomsky always seems to say the right thing.

but i guess that comes with being one of the only living masters of the english language.

well, the un passed the resolution that is pretty much what france was protesting all along. i don't quite understand what made france and russia buckle in the end. *sigh* the result is that we have a resolution that basically says the us gets to bomb iraq.

in florence yesterday the anti-war protest gathered half a million people (according the left) which is amazing.

and horrifying that the american middle class won't listen to that either.

have you read, "bomb the suburbs?"
LOok everybody! Skruffy made me his friend! That is my first friend on SG. So cool. I feel accepted.

Maybe I'll get the nerve to go to a Curry next. Yummm.. >.. Curry.

I went to "vote" today.

I went to a conference for fund raising professionals, what an odd experience. I just knew that it wasn't my scene. My friend Jackie said that she...
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Hey, anybody who does political fundraising is a friend of mine! I actually did fundraising for awhile, well, canvassing. I worked for Peace Action, doing the door-to-door grind for about seven months in '99 until they eventually fired me for not making quota for 2 straight weeks. Now...I really felt like hiring canvassers was not the best way to develop activists, because there was such a turnover & it was all about the $ & numbers. It really felt like a sort of hippie-ish Glengarry-Glenross scene there. I just didn't see it as an effective way of organizning (esp. for a group like Peace Action)...now, I don't know what kind of fundraising you do, but what's your take on canvassing? It seems to be the only way to really get into activist work, but it's a grinder that very few people make it through. Is it a necessary evil? An initiation of sorts, to weed out those who are not dedicated enough? I have to say it was pretty addictive, though, and I would have done it again had I not needed more $ to live on...I still would like to get back into activist work someday...
Just checking in, wondering how you're doing on the day after. I feel sick to my stomach. frown
I saw Bowling For Columbine tonight. Miichael Moore is my hero and if anyone wants to see Charlton Heston reduced to nothing by Moore, who asks Heston if it is right for 6 year olds to have access to handguns, you should go see it.

Fucking brilliant film. There is some great documentary film work, such as when Moore explores how the six year old...
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Yeah...FUCK BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahem. This is great, Bowling for Columbine just crossed over from the local arthouse to some mainstream multiplexes here in San Diego. I'm really impressed that it's doing this well, it's obviously touching a nerve w/a lot of people, especially if it can play out in the very conservative SD suburbs...I am definitely seeing it (finally) this weekend.
i speducate at the spurwink school.
Kissed a crush, in ddeed.

NOT TO FAR From heaven tonight, its indeed worth the wait, that heaven....

Kissed long and slow, kissed and talked and kissed, and touched. Lost her attention, or gained too much of it, after I went grabbing for some butt and thigh, but I couldn't help it! She said, wait, I have neighbors. But then we didn't get inside. because....
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I meant I was sorry spoiling your discussion on kissing with bad news.

smile smile smile smile

(why not a kissing smiley?)
kissing is fun.... kissing is such a wonderfully intimate thing that sometimes leads to other very fun things.
I am sick and tired of having two bosses, and every time one is in town the other one is out of town, and they each over ride the other's orders. Completely ridiculous.

I am ready to quit.
Quit! But make sure you have another job first! I hear if you don't have a job and your looking for a job it's not good. They rather that you are at a job. Make sense?
Who do you work for? That sounds like a lousy situation. It sucks that non-profits can be as fucked with office politics as corporate jobs. At least you're usually fighting for a good cause in non-profits. I almost ended up in Boston, but the rent was much higher than we could afford- even in jp. The cheapest thing we came across was 1,100 for a crapy one-bedroom apartment. Anyway, Inez (from this site) is working on a site for my work. Hopefully it will be up before the new year.
For some reason I am not following this question of War with Iraq, partly because I know how it will end... War with Iraq. Fucking greedy, entitled bastards will stop at nothing.

I agree with you on that, sir. i'm glad i'm not alone :-)
i'm glad you're a member.
This past weekend I saw my parents, and while my father and I were on a walk down the beach he actually brought up a topic of conversation that I could engage with...he started talking about the effects of domestic ag. subsidies on agricutlure industries in the developing world.

Of course, this is nothing outrageous. My father all of a sudden felt like it was...
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are you mexican? i saw your posts on one of the threads. i'm white, but my husband is half mexican, half puerto rican.

there are a couple of asian suicide girls, but i've also been a little bothered by what seems to be a lack of ethnic diversity. then again, it might just be that girls of other ethnicities aren't applying. remember, the site is still fairly young...the word still needs to get out more...
Another woman to whom I am attracted, and another woman for whom I am a good friend.

God, I might as well be a dog, at this rate. At least I know I could get some ass somehow.
i am not in vacationland. i am a roadie. i don't think they've played boston yet, but they had a show at cbgb's. i can keep you updated if you like.
Just thought I'd say rock on boston and rock on stereolab! smile
Went to a friends house to have pizza that we made by hand and watch movies. Kind of a crafty affair. .Surprising how well those things turn out. Kind of like Game Night... I love game night, but I never find people who would rather play games than drink beers until they can't see...so I end up not playing games.

Anyway, Kelly was there and...
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That's a kick ass nickname, by the way.
What is up with travelling? How can it be so damn strressful sometimes? Talk about going somewhere else to get away from things and finding them there waiting for you when you get there.

Toronto was good. Good family connections there make it easy to be myself. We can talk shit about the US, talk shit about the president, about racism, about... interesting things. I...
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Yes, everybody remembers the backhoe.... Another time some Bove's friends kidnapped a Ronald Macdonald statue, wrapped it neatly and posted it back to Macdonald's international direction... I thought it was funnier, but the press almost ignored it, as it had left not enough spectacular traces to show on TV.

Pertinent observation. In France where I live, you may also say that "the center has shifted to the right". :-/

Reading your journal, I wondered if the organisation you worked for was....
but maybe you have a motive of some sort for putting it aside.
This journal rocks my socks. You know why? because it is the official "six degrees of" journal. You, josebove, write terrific comments on my journal...and so do the two people who have commented on your journal lately, ChaosMonkey and Tororo!

Arg! it's a small world after all!
I had some people over last night, some friends. And one of them I've got a bad crush on. The other is a friend of ours, but they are much better friends. So they had no problems being all over each other and because I know them I understand that if they feel like it they will be close... nothing gross or agrivating, but just...
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