Burn Notice. Fan-fucking-tastic show.

You got spies, charismatic dude who helps others in need of assistance, hot ladies, Bruce Campbell (Honestly, that alone should be enough)...

Plenty of action to go around and the script is great all through the one hour for our enjoyment.

Now, I have to go ahead and plan my next step... got to get ready to be... well, you can't...
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To search for sex or not to search for sex...

Yup, it is that time again and I've headed back to school this week to finish up my Associates. Already my classes are great; the professors are really easy going and the subject matter... pfft, piece of cake. I just have to make sure I arrive at class and I'm all set! (And no night...
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Alright! I'm on SG!

How is that a good thing, the hell should I know. But it's a GREAT THING! HA HA!

Let me kick off by saying the island vacation I took yesterday was slammin. It was freakin paradise down there. Simple lifestyle, $1 beers, $4 meals... jeezus A butthole was I in a dash of heaven!

Got stung up by the Jellyfish though....
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Yes they are great to read, I recommend the one I just finished Flow my tear the policeman said. I think there are some not so good ones yet but I haven't read enough of his stuff to come across those yet!